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Member Since 20 Feb 2003
Offline Last Active Dec 11 2012 11:56 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: My old band

03 August 2010 - 05:32 PM

I really liked this band! I think I saw this gig maybe...its such a blur.

In Topic: I turn 21 in like 2 weeks

30 November 2009 - 03:23 PM

ahhhh shit this is turning out to be a good idea I say we go bowl but ill need at least someone to drink with me!

its also a little known fact that a crucial scene from Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure was filmed at the AMC Bowling alley Near rural and the freeway. maybe the designated driver can dress up like napoleon?

In Topic: the old days....

30 November 2009 - 03:18 PM

I was donalds neighbor at this ultra-cruddy apartment complex near ASU at around 2002. 4 ground-level cinderblock 1 room apartments. The manager was this dude named Glen, he had this really cool family and a miniature Doberman that would escape and run all over the place and bark at me. I can't remember the situation, but, I think I was knocking on Donalds door, and Mike Montoya shows up, and lets himself in with a key. The inside of the apartment is packed with guitar cases and amps floor to ceiling and Donald wakes up in his briefs and is a little out of it and surprised when mike barges in. That's sort of how I remember it...in any case it cracks me up.

In Topic: I turn 21 in like 2 weeks

27 November 2009 - 03:39 PM

Go bowling. Being 21 at a bowling alley is a heck of a lot more fun. get a designated driver friend too.

In Topic: activism

17 November 2009 - 05:39 PM

The extent of my activism is really just through my lifestyle choices. I've been eating vegetarian for almost a year now, and I try to ride my bike whenever I can. I'm not too politically minded, but I should be. I've been trying to keep up with news a little bit more, but it's hard for things to hold my interest. Like what JJames said, I'm just too preoccupied with school and music and the like.

Mshell, I'm glad that you had a worthwhile trip! You could tell me all about it when I see you tomorrow. Also, you should let me know when you plan on doing more "active" activist . . . activities.

I'm busy like everyone else...I don't think anyone really has time anyhow...I know I don't.....I said in my last post that basically showing up to things is the biggest accomplishment anyone can make. I went to several critical mass events in chicago between 2004 and 2006, and it was fucking amazing and possible because of the amount of people that simply showed up! when there's a small turnout for events like this, its a disaster! I'm not saying, show up all the time, but if one makes an effort to show up to things that matter every once in a while or once a year, then it just makes everything way more awesome. activism is about people. I was in chicago during the immigration marches.... that was nuts...lots of people showed up and it was like a freaking party.

Its not only about showing up, but there is a lot of things that are incredibly important, but not as cool/sexy as other things, like answering letters and emails, mailing shit, putting up posters, data input for mailing lists. this shit adds up, and there are a shit-tonne of people who need work like this done.