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Andrew James Matthews

Member Since 04 Feb 2004
Offline Last Active May 06 2009 11:38 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Your Funeral Mix

11 February 2009 - 01:02 PM

Scott Walker - Scott 3

In Topic: Currently Watching

07 February 2009 - 07:33 PM

eeeeewwwwwwww! - Ian Curtis is grooooooooooss! -
ummm....several films that have been labeled "mumblecore" by a few careless critics - "Quiet City," "Dance Party USA," "Funny Ha Ha," "Mutual Appreciation," "The Puffy Chair," "Team Picture," etc... -
the only thing these movies have in common is their participants' willingness to eschew tactics that most actors and directors employ to manipulate an audience into feeling a certain way - these films draw a line in the sand and, as such, are bound to be polarizing - on one side is the audience who wants to escape; on the other, the audience who wants to explore - check 'em out - 'specially if you are at all fond of cinema verite -
bye... -

In Topic: PHX music family tree

07 February 2009 - 07:21 PM

Eddy Detroit - does anyone go see him anymore?! - please do it!!! - support a true PHX treasure!!! -
Victory Acres - don't know what the hell Dan and Mary do anymore -
Joke Flower - a short-lived band featuring Dan and Mary Clark; Charlie Gocher (Sun City Girls) on drums -
Paris 1942 - another short-lived band featuring both Bishops (Sun City Girls) and early Velvet Underground drummer Maureen Tucker -

In Topic: Currently Listening To:

07 February 2009 - 07:04 PM

ohhhhh, Mancopter - forgot about yr. Loren Mazzacane fanship - "As Roses Bow" is beyond sublime - people always talk about some musics having a religious quality - this is certainly one - though i love Loren Connors' music, i sometimes find his feedback-y explorations rather tedious - i suppose they are the necessary "other side" of his pain-soaked spirituality, but he fares much better when he quietly conveys his malaise - or when producing the musical Mark Rothko paintings that comprise the "Departing of a Dream" series, where he adds found-sound atmospherics to his note-a-minute guitar musings - as this kind of Mazzacane fan, i cherish "Roses" more than the others - along with "Portrait of a Soul," "Sails," and "Evangeline" - all, for nearly the entirety of their running times, exude a broken yet optimistic humanity that hasn't been bested by any other musical artist - one of a handful of musicians i can recommend without reservation - stupid to talk about it - has to be heard to be believed -

C.C.C.C. - Early Works
Family Fodder - More Great Hits!
The Chills - Kaleidoscope World
The Roches - Nurds
Alex Chilton, Alan Vega, and Ben Vaughn - Cubist Blues
Sun City Girls - everything they do, as always
Prinzhorn Dance School - s/t
Group Daoeh - Guitar Music From the Western Sahara
To Live and Shave in L.A. 2 - The $300 Silk Shirt

In Topic: great band names!

07 February 2009 - 06:31 PM

Hey, Wet Amigo (listen to the first line of Van Morrison's "Brown Eyed Girl"); Nacho Cheez Derridas; Cool Ranch Derridas; Break Room Exorcism; Fecal Funhouse; The Doors (or The Rolling Stones, or Creedence Clearwater Revival, etc. - pick a legendary band name, pretend you've never heard of it, and bill yourselves as that - a can't miss!); Hamburger Milkshake; Digital Pheasant (this one has memories for me and some others, so be good please); Prolix Pedants; Brodie Hubbard; Dirty Pillows; Excellent Asshole; Worms At Work; Joe Cocker Seizure; Tinfoil Tapestry; Volume Knobs; Quilt of Shame; Post-Coital Curlicue; Anal Malfeasance -
quick aside: no more Wolf anything or something Wolf - done!!! - or "_____Fuck_____," "Fuck________," "__________Fuck" - got it, already!!! -
Queasy Quickie; Puke Satan; Puke, Satan; Satan's Puke; Puke; Eternal Orgasm (featuring members of W.O.M.B.); Floating Handgun;
We (Not Only As A Band, But As Individuals) Only Play Music To Hopefully Wake Up In Your Passed Out Girlfriend's Bed With Our Flannel Shirt Crumpled Nearby And Our Disgusting Indie-Beards All A-Tousle, All The While Pretending To Be Victims Of Circumstance (whew! hopefully that bulllshit run-on sentence band name thing hasn't gone out of style yet!); (pick a year and just call it that, lazy assholes!); Lazy Assholes; Intravenous De Milo (know it's a Spinal Tap "record," but a fun reference!) -
don't know if any of you have checked out The Onion's annual list of actual bands they've found on the internet with god-awful names - if not, look and laugh - or be secretly amazed! - my favorite: Sweatpants In Public - they call themselves "the most comfortable band in Denver" - hilarious! -
bye! -