Member Since 21 Nov 2008Offline Last Active Jun 02 2010 12:24 AM
About Me
I found out about the Shizz through sparky and zangderak.
Not much of a musician (I'm learning guitar and I play it badly), but people here are just as nice as anywhere else on the interwebs and pretty cool.
I also like video games, but not so much the old school ones. I never had any console older than an N64, so all the old school Megaman and Castlevania games weren't part of my childhood. I'm a new school guy.
I'm pretty laid back; I don't surf but I look like I do. I wear flip-flops everywhere and I have the longest hair in the house (including sparky and zangderak, since they've cut theirs).
I don't care if people message me from out of the blue, so if you wanna ask me something, go for it!
Community Stats
- Group Members
- Active Posts 133
- Profile Views 1,995
- Member Title Kohls Restroom Monitor
- Age 36 years old
- Birthday June 29, 1988
San Diego, California