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#1075916 Arizona voted Worst State in the US

Posted by allisonorphan on 31 August 2011 - 02:49 PM in The Shizz General Forum

" BTW they voted New York to be the best state in the US...pahleease...been there done that and no thanks..."

Agreed. NY is an amazing place and NYC is city living at its finest but unless one wants to live with multiple roomies in a space the size of a closet you have to make some serious money to exist there!

A pat and a punch there for NYC. In fact, each state in the union has its pros and cons so I find that article a little tough to digest........Viva AZ. Viva CA and Viva NY for that matter! ;)

#964018 OkStupid

Posted by allisonorphan on 21 October 2010 - 09:42 PM in The Shizz General Forum

not exactly what I meant but I'm sure there is eye candy on there.

I'm a total shiska.

ha! love it. having been with a jewish guy for 2 years now i have to agree. although it it is now a running joke that i one day botched the term shiska and mistakenly said shih tzu.