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#2206 chadk


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Posted 02 June 2010 - 04:44 PM

We named them Shadow and Doom

is doom named after the crust band?

and wow i look like a muppet in that photo

oh and the blackhawks are on in 15 minutes to seal the deal, crosses fingers
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All the time when I tell people what I do they say, "Oh I don't understand art, I can't even draw." (or worse, "I only like art I can understand.") Well, ya know what, I don't know how to make a car, but I sure appreciate being able to drive one.




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Posted 02 June 2010 - 04:49 PM

Chad!!?? Who are you gunning for? Your Avatar is a dog that is howling.....mean anything to ya?

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#2208 Guest_viewfinder_*

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Posted 02 June 2010 - 04:51 PM

We named them Shadow and Doom

is doom named after the crust band?

and wow i look like a muppet in that photo

oh and the blackhawks are on in 15 minutes to seal the deal, crosses fingers

Yeah, I named the black one after the crust band. My daughter named the grey one.

I put up the other HFC pics from that show at mmdotcom. I have some from the hfc/stabcity show at the farmer house and hfc/minibosses @ modified that I found and will post as well.
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#2209 The Real Jeffrey Lebowski

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Posted 03 June 2010 - 10:00 AM

oh and the blackhawks are on in 15 minutes to seal the deal, crosses fingers

Better get some more fingers... :)
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#2210 chadk


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Posted 03 June 2010 - 08:36 PM

We named them Shadow and Doom

is doom named after the crust band?

and wow i look like a muppet in that photo

oh and the blackhawks are on in 15 minutes to seal the deal, crosses fingers

Yeah, I named the black one after the crust band. My daughter named the grey one.

I put up the other HFC pics from that show at mmdotcom. I have some from the hfc/stabcity show at the farmer house and hfc/minibosses @ modified that I found and will post as well.


Chad!!?? Who are you gunning for? Your Avatar is a dog that is howling.....mean anything to ya?

and yea i am a blackhawks fan 3rd, first is coyotes then the aves the the hawks, has to do with family and roots
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All the time when I tell people what I do they say, "Oh I don't understand art, I can't even draw." (or worse, "I only like art I can understand.") Well, ya know what, I don't know how to make a car, but I sure appreciate being able to drive one.


#2211 Rial


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Posted 04 June 2010 - 06:47 AM

We named them Shadow and Doom

is doom named after the crust band?

and wow i look like a muppet in that photo

oh and the blackhawks are on in 15 minutes to seal the deal, crosses fingers

Yeah, I named the black one after the crust band. My daughter named the grey one.

I put up the other HFC pics from that show at mmdotcom. I have some from the hfc/stabcity show at the farmer house and hfc/minibosses @ modified that I found and will post as well.


Chad!!?? Who are you gunning for? Your Avatar is a dog that is howling.....mean anything to ya?

and yea i am a blackhawks fan 3rd, first is coyotes then the aves the the hawks, has to do with family and roots

and pride and purity
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#2212 chadk


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Posted 04 June 2010 - 07:59 AM

We named them Shadow and Doom

is doom named after the crust band?

and wow i look like a muppet in that photo

oh and the blackhawks are on in 15 minutes to seal the deal, crosses fingers

Yeah, I named the black one after the crust band. My daughter named the grey one.

I put up the other HFC pics from that show at mmdotcom. I have some from the hfc/stabcity show at the farmer house and hfc/minibosses @ modified that I found and will post as well.


Chad!!?? Who are you gunning for? Your Avatar is a dog that is howling.....mean anything to ya?

and yea i am a blackhawks fan 3rd, first is coyotes then the aves the the hawks, has to do with family and roots

and pride and purity

thats my pabst genuine draft, you forgot tradition and honesty

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All the time when I tell people what I do they say, "Oh I don't understand art, I can't even draw." (or worse, "I only like art I can understand.") Well, ya know what, I don't know how to make a car, but I sure appreciate being able to drive one.


#2213 capharnaum


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Posted 04 June 2010 - 08:45 AM

3rd fucking ipod in 3 weeks
today i shove this one up a genius' ass
see how corrupted it gets 8 inches up someone's colon
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#2214 differently biotic

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Posted 04 June 2010 - 12:28 PM

sertting appointments for this month before insurance is gone (contract ends June 30th and that means no job).

a total PITA

Dentist appt - gotta get cleaning I have been trying to get the a silver filling removed and replaced w/ white compasite but it's kind of pricey under current coverage because the first dentist who did it, did such a bad job on it. blah

Made an appt to get eyes check for next week. I think I need glasses. The past year I have been squinting more and more looking and when I'm reading, when I look away from the book, everything is fuzzy. I hate this whole aging thing.

I so don't even want to make a doctor's appt but I have to do the whole woman wellness thing on top of getting scripts for my migraine/vertigo condition and asthma. blah. blah blah.

the new jobs I applied for - the insurances are so much more expensive than what I have now. So expensive. gah.
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#2215 MikeyWretch


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Posted 05 June 2010 - 01:13 PM

Hey everyone! On my way to New Hampshire and the van smells like dirty nut sacks
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#2216 Dez


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Posted 07 June 2010 - 12:05 PM

Lost Leaf is freaking awesome! Finally got around to checking it out for Pitch and Moan this past Saturday. Very cool little spot!!
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#2217 differently biotic

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Posted 07 June 2010 - 03:32 PM

yesterday was a real sucky day so much so that I'm in a not happy mood today even though I got some pretty good news - I just can't stop being mad. I think I will need to emotional eat or have a beer when I get home. Probably the beer.
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#2218 jeremx


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Posted 07 June 2010 - 03:43 PM

Probably the beer.

make it a good one with a nice, high alc % content. :P
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#2219 differently biotic

differently biotic

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Posted 07 June 2010 - 03:45 PM

that's the only kind I drink my friend.
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#2220 jeremx


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Posted 07 June 2010 - 03:53 PM

that's the only kind I drink my friend.

http://www.beertutor...5142&t=details ;)
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