Currently Thinking........
Posted 30 April 2009 - 10:37 AM
Posted 30 April 2009 - 11:01 AM
the bottom of my cereal bowl says yum and it really does reflect how I feel when I finish my cereal
There was a Chinese buffet at 19th ave and Peoria for years named Yum's.
I went there twice, and both times it was anything but "Yum", in fact it was pretty awful.
This review is pretty accurate.
They finally went out of business. It was so bad, they had the building leveled, so that no one would be tempted to create a new cockroach farm there.
But they left the sign up with the delivery number and everything.
Somehow, that is going to be useful for a prank someday. ("Hey, meet me for happy hour at Yum's!)
Posted 30 April 2009 - 12:24 PM
Posted 01 May 2009 - 09:39 AM

Posted 01 May 2009 - 09:42 AM
Why doesnt the lady that says HI tho everyone at Frys just ignor me?
The lady at MY Frys does the same thing!! I don't need to be welcomed to a grocery store!! I need you to put the fuckin milk up front!!!
Posted 01 May 2009 - 09:47 AM
Why doesnt the lady that says HI tho everyone at Frys just ignor me?
The lady at MY Frys does the same thing!! I don't need to be welcomed to a grocery store!! I need you to put the fuckin milk up front!!!
Well I agree with the milk issue but well I typed that wrong! I meant to say
why doesnt she say Hi to me? she says it to people that walk in right in front of me then she just looks at me and says nothing!
Posted 01 May 2009 - 09:47 AM
Why doesnt the lady that says HI tho everyone at Frys just ignor me?
I usually get the worst possible customer service anywhere I go, even though I am pleasant, courteous and will say hello first and stuff.
Posted 01 May 2009 - 10:07 AM
photo radar ticket in the mail (what should i do?)
finals week
dont have any money for rent
Posted 01 May 2009 - 10:08 AM
photo radar ticket in the mail (what should i do?)
finals week
dont have any money for rent
I didnt do anything with my Photo radar ticket causer everyone said "just dont do anything dude!' then they served me at my house! FUCK!
Posted 01 May 2009 - 10:12 AM
!)Somehow, that is going to be useful for a prank someday. ("Hey, meet me for happy hour at Yum's
-trunkspaceAll the time when I tell people what I do they say, "Oh I don't understand art, I can't even draw." (or worse, "I only like art I can understand.") Well, ya know what, I don't know how to make a car, but I sure appreciate being able to drive one.
Posted 01 May 2009 - 10:14 AM
photo radar ticket in the mail (what should i do?)
finals week
dont have any money for rent
I didnt do anything with my Photo radar ticket causer everyone said "just dont do anything dude!' then they served me at my house! FUCK!
The deal I heard from an ex cop teaching a driving safety class I went to said ignore it. It is not the city that sends the first notice, it's an outside company. If you respond, the money goes to the city. If you do not respond, the company sends someone out to serve you. If they cannot serve you after 90 days, it's dropped, and never goes to the city to be put on record. It's only after you've responded to the letter or been served with a notice that anything happens. True story. Also, everyone laughed at me when I asked about getting a DUI on a bicycle in Phoenix. Apparantly you cannot. In Phoenix.
Posted 01 May 2009 - 10:25 AM
well, it did get sent to my parents place. do they have to serve me personally cause i dont live there. I'll tell my pops not to answer the dorr if a dude with a suit is there.STRESS
photo radar ticket in the mail (what should i do?)
finals week
dont have any money for rent
I didnt do anything with my Photo radar ticket causer everyone said "just dont do anything dude!' then they served me at my house! FUCK!
The deal I heard from an ex cop teaching a driving safety class I went to said ignore it. It is not the city that sends the first notice, it's an outside company. If you respond, the money goes to the city. If you do not respond, the company sends someone out to serve you. If they cannot serve you after 90 days, it's dropped, and never goes to the city to be put on record. It's only after you've responded to the letter or been served with a notice that anything happens. True story. Also, everyone laughed at me when I asked about getting a DUI on a bicycle in Phoenix. Apparantly you cannot. In Phoenix.
Posted 01 May 2009 - 10:29 AM
Posted 01 May 2009 - 10:32 AM
well, it did get sent to my parents place. do they have to serve me personally cause i dont live there. I'll tell my pops not to answer the dorr if a dude with a suit is there.STRESS
photo radar ticket in the mail (what should i do?)
finals week
dont have any money for rent
I didnt do anything with my Photo radar ticket causer everyone said "just dont do anything dude!' then they served me at my house! FUCK!
The deal I heard from an ex cop teaching a driving safety class I went to said ignore it. It is not the city that sends the first notice, it's an outside company. If you respond, the money goes to the city. If you do not respond, the company sends someone out to serve you. If they cannot serve you after 90 days, it's dropped, and never goes to the city to be put on record. It's only after you've responded to the letter or been served with a notice that anything happens. True story. Also, everyone laughed at me when I asked about getting a DUI on a bicycle in Phoenix. Apparantly you cannot. In Phoenix.
If anyone at that house says they know you or that they are your parents, you will get served. sorry. I don't think you'll get your parents to lie to get you out of a ticket. Dude, just focus on your tests. That's what is important right now, because:
Right now is important Right now.
Posted 01 May 2009 - 11:47 AM
just sold a guitar, i guess i have to sell a bike tootime to pawn some shit and git ta studying!
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