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#1426 Jacki O.

Jacki O.

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Posted 21 January 2010 - 12:21 PM

women can be crazy competitive and mean while being your "friend" but dont cross out female friendships entirely! They can be very enriching.

out of my 4 bestest friends all are female except for 1 and i deeply cherish my friendships with the ladies.

I've found that some women who scorn friendships with other women and only want to be friends with men, usually only want to be friends with men because they want all the female attention and they like to be fawned over by their male friends (who all usually want to bang them)

im not saying you two are those kinds of ladies (cuz i dont know you) or that all women who are better at being friends with men are like that...but i've come across it, and it makes sense, what straight girl doesn't like attention from cool dudes?

but i've definitely had girlfriends that have turned out to be super poisonous for me and i've had to cut them off. But i guess i've had that with male friends too.

i dunno, im just rambling.
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#1427 weener



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Posted 21 January 2010 - 12:30 PM

I've had plenty of female friends in the past, and while I do enjoy them at the time, these women usually end up getting on my nerves. There's only so many times I can pretend to care about weight/body insecurities and self-esteem issues. They don't want to be in bands with me, and if they do, they can never get it together long enough to actually write some songs/practice.

I have a few female friends right now, mostly ladies from work that I get together and do cross-stitch/knitting/crafts with occasionally. But truthfully, we have little in common besides that. If I didn't work there anymore, I would probablly lose touch with them.
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#1428 MikeyWretch


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Posted 21 January 2010 - 12:40 PM

I dont like girls or guys!
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#1429 differently biotic

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Posted 21 January 2010 - 12:59 PM

oh I'm not saying that I don't have BFFs that are girls. I have one I've had since I was 12. And I've been close friends w/ 'awesome' on here for going on 8 years now. Among a few others. Just this one girl who I was super close with doesn't want to be my friend anymore because I have a bf. Her reasoning is that I'm in a destructive relationship. She's the only one that thinks that way. Whatever. Everyone but her LOVES Steve. hahaha He's a awesome dude. And he's awesome to me.

The 4 years I've known her people have told me that she competes with me. For example. We can be at a bar and a dude will be talking to me and she'll come over and sit on the stool next to him and say "I don't know why you are talking to her, I'm the easy one". Sometimes they scoot over to her, bang her and never talk to her again and sometimes they're grossed out and keep talking to me. But now she has a bf and she's all high and mighty thinking that her relationship is better than anyone else's, especially mine.
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#1430 jeremx


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Posted 21 January 2010 - 01:19 PM

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#1431 Dez


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Posted 21 January 2010 - 01:31 PM

women can be crazy competitive and mean while being your "friend" but dont cross out female friendships entirely! They can be very enriching.

out of my 4 bestest friends all are female except for 1 and i deeply cherish my friendships with the ladies.

I've found that some women who scorn friendships with other women and only want to be friends with men, usually only want to be friends with men because they want all the female attention and they like to be fawned over by their male friends (who all usually want to bang them)

im not saying you two are those kinds of ladies (cuz i dont know you) or that all women who are better at being friends with men are like that...but i've come across it, and it makes sense, what straight girl doesn't like attention from cool dudes?

but i've definitely had girlfriends that have turned out to be super poisonous for me and i've had to cut them off. But i guess i've had that with male friends too.

i dunno, im just rambling.

You have accurately and articulately stated my feeling on female friendships. Even the two sided thinking you branched off too! ;)

....And now I'm currently thinking about how bad I'd like a burrito bowl from chipotle and that I'd like to have a baby chick as pet. They look so soft! I want to squish em!
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#1432 differently biotic

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Posted 21 January 2010 - 01:37 PM

I really want a little doggy and a pig, oh and a hedgehog. I am so elmira.
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#1433 JJames


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Posted 21 January 2010 - 01:41 PM

women seem to be more manipulative when it comes to friendships among each other, i think it depends on the type of person they are. I dated a girl who had no girlfriends just guy friends and it was somewhat uncomfortable because i knew they all were trying to bang her and she feed into that. I have a lot of dude friends and a lot of girl friends but it seems more often that the more meaninful relationships are with my buddies. My guy friends tend to be more open about whats going on whereas the girls often are not. Im convinced it's not a gender thing though, its more of a personality thing that correlates this way. I need more female friends that can just be friends
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#1434 jeremx


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Posted 21 January 2010 - 01:45 PM

I need more female friends that can just be friends

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#1435 Dez


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Posted 21 January 2010 - 02:03 PM

...This weather is making my hair fro.

... What am I gonna make for dinner?

... I hope Daze isn't pissin in the house cause she's too much of a wimp to get wet outside.

.... I wanna go dancing! I haven't been dancing in ages!! <_<
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#1436 jeremx


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Posted 21 January 2010 - 02:15 PM

i'm off tomorrow. do i want to go out and get drunk and have some fun or stay in and try to be productive and keep from being hungover in the morning so i can get some shit done around the house? it's been a whole 11 days since i've had a drop of alcohol. that's easily a record over the past decade. i have to admit that a lot of it is me being afraid of a gout attack as opposed to just being "good." <_<
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#1437 differently biotic

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Posted 21 January 2010 - 04:51 PM

15 more minutes and then I'm off work for FOUR days. SO looking forward to it. It's going to be an awesome four days.
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#1438 Tender Lad

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Posted 22 January 2010 - 10:03 AM

I'm in a bad mood for the first time in like a month. :angry:
My new shrink to me to make a list of all the things that I can remember making me angry throughout my life. I have tended to turn my anger inward rather than have conflict. Those days are over, watch out co-workers!
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#1439 The Real Jeffrey Lebowski

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Posted 22 January 2010 - 12:28 PM

I like when Quezo visits with us.

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#1440 notacountry


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Posted 24 January 2010 - 09:46 AM

I hate eyeliner.
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