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#1 MikeyWretch


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Posted 09 February 2010 - 11:26 AM

1) My dad before he retired was the warden of a maximum security womens prison.

2) I am hooked on watching Bad Girls Club.

3) I wear a size 14 shoe.

4) My middle name is Wayne.

5) My best friend in 6th grade was humping our teacher.

6) Im super paranoid.

7) I have smoked crack and meth before.

Now you go!
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#2 Jacki O.

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Posted 09 February 2010 - 11:51 AM

the town i was born in is also the town that Axl Rose was born in

i just recently started liking the taste of mangoes

i have never gotten a speeding ticket or been in a car accident

soccer is my favorite sport (i'm excited about the world cup!)

when i was 14 i used to shoplift a lot of make-up from the wal-mart in town, until i had a nightmare about getting arrested for it and have never shoplifted anything since
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#3 negicore


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Posted 09 February 2010 - 11:52 AM

Uhh details on #5 please??

1) was in a band called Butt Muffin, no shit they drew REALLY well....

2) have a degree in History, I don't use it, obviously.

3) getting hitched in like 7 weeks...

4) have more Stryper records then I bet you have ever seen. No shit.

5) the first show I ever played was on the same stage of the first show I ever saw. (brick n wood cafe in New Haven, CT. 1st show saw was KIX, yup.

6) I don't hi five, sorry, I can't.

7) was in a band in high school with a guy who ended up in the Libetines for a while.
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the next time the star shoots across the sky, I'm gonna grab it, and smash it, under my feet...http://djjohnnyvolume.tumblr.com/

#4 MikeyWretch


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Posted 09 February 2010 - 11:53 AM

the town i was born is also the town that Axl Rose was born in

Paradise City? Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty?

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#5 skeksis


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Posted 09 February 2010 - 12:03 PM

1) I've been contiuously enrolled at an AZ university for 13.5 years. Might graduate in another 2 or 3 years.
2) I think it's perfectly reasonable to invest more in your guitar/amp than your car.
3) Went to the same high school as Ted Danson and IHYWYP.
4) I don't like sweet stuff.
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#6 Quezo


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Posted 09 February 2010 - 12:06 PM

I snore really bad.

I have a butt mole.

I was an altar boy & a boy scout.

I was once chased by a bear (near Payson)

When I went to college in New Hampshire for one year I would jam with the drummer for Christian Death, and a guy named Tony. I have a recording somewhere.

Two people that hang out on this board have punched me in the face.
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#7 TPStank


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Posted 09 February 2010 - 12:08 PM

- I got to sing Bloodstains on the Mason Jar stage w Greg Hetson, Eric Melvin, Steve Soto & Derek O'Brien.

- B.B. King touched me (nothing sexual, just on the hand)

- I secretly want to be a Cowboy

- Dad owns the Lost Leaf building

- I was on Wallace & Ladmo twice & won a Ladmo Bag once - video somewhere on the planet

- I should have Richard Cheese's job

- I was going to be NSK's drummer for their '04 European tour until the funding was pulled

- I am the world's greatest snorer

- My family created Tabasco sauce (Mom's cousin is Jimmy McIlhenny)

- I've graduated from College 3 different times.

I snore really bad.

We should have a snore-off.
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Hey you, post your shows on AZPunk.com

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#8 Rial


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Posted 09 February 2010 - 12:09 PM

I distrust bread that has been in my home for over 3 days, I buy the least amount of slices possible.

I have degrees in History, Audio Production Technology, and Art...I work in a warehouse.

I obsess about laundry

I don't really like the blues as much as I try

I haven't been in a fist fight in 13 years, the last fight I was in the kid tried to kill himself the next day.

I was conceived in Iowa and was a couple months away from being born in Iowa over Arizona
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[url="http://saidgun.bandcamp.com/"]SAID GUN[/url]

#9 joe.distort



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Posted 09 February 2010 - 12:14 PM

1)i am a sucker for anything involving kittens. as such i have cried every time i have seen OLIVER AND COMPANY.

2)my favorite band is MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE.

3)the sound of an indian accent (india, not native american) actually makes me angry at this point after dealing with them for years on the phone. while i do feel bad for this mild racism, SERIOUSLY, FUCK INDIA

4)when i was about 10, i was in student council. i took a dollar out of the money we were donating to the school for the homeless (thomas j pappas? i dunno) to buy a pack of marvel trading cards (series 2). i still feel shame about this.

5) my grandmother told me that my girlfriend looks just like her circa 1945. this weirds me out.

6)it really upsets me that my brother and sister and i arent close, but anytime i try to talk to them about we all change the subject because it is uncomfortable.

7)i hit someones car with a moving van a few months ago and totally just took off. the car didnt have a LOT of damage, but still-what a dick.

i dont know why i turned this into 'confessions' of sorts, but oh well. did you really want to know that, say, i have an entire closet full of comic books? not very interesting. (and seriously, i mean FULL. floor to ceiling.)
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#10 Ninjaneer


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Posted 09 February 2010 - 12:16 PM

1. When I was three years old, I had an imaginary friend named Chewbaca.
2. Always wished I had freckles.
3. President of the drama club in high school.
4. Was a comic book inker.
5. While snorkeling, I tried to help a couple who I thought were drowning. Turns out they were having sex. They did not appreciate my attempt to help.
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I saved latin. What did you ever do?

#11 joe.distort



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Posted 09 February 2010 - 12:21 PM

- I got to sing Bloodstains on the Mason Jar stage w Greg Hetson, Eric Melvin, Steve Soto & Derek O'Brien.

i performed 3/4 of HE WHO LAUGHS LAST with afi! you totally reminded me that it is an awesome story to drop randomly.

We should have a snore-off.

we should really all be getting medical attention, because i am BAD. i think i have sleep apnea.
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#12 Jacki O.

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Posted 09 February 2010 - 12:35 PM

Two people that hang out on this board have punched me in the face.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

L to tha OLz
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#13 differently biotic

differently biotic

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Posted 09 February 2010 - 12:42 PM

I smoked pot for the first time when I was 27 (and loved it)
The aroma of witch hazel makes me sick
My mother was a bounty hunter to make extra cash when I was little kid (btw those types of people break the law more than any other)
I suffer from positional vertigo
The taste of raw tomatoes makes me gag
I have a passport that expires this year and it has never been used to get in/out of the country
My essay for D.A.R.E. won when I was in 6th grade and I was on the Wallace & Ladmo show to read it
I’m from Las Vegas and I think gambling is boring
I obsess about food
The only person I stay in contact w/, of my family, is my little sister. She gives me updates and relays messages to my little brother and mom. Everyone else I could care less about. There is a ton of them I have never met nor do I care to meet.
I wish earthships were affordable to poor people like me – it’s the only material possession I would envy for
I wish I could shave my head and it was perfectly acceptable by the majority
I was “bumped” by a shark when I was 11. I still have tiny scars from it on my thigh. (it looked like road rash when it happened)
I was a target for bullies growing up, always being the new girl who didn’t talk. I got in a lot of fights sticking up for myself. A lot.
I still think the worst people I have ever met in my life I met through Rollerderby in Arizona. I know it wasn’t a complete waste of time, since I really liked playing the sport, yet sometimes I feel like I should have not spent five years of my life in it. No matter how may trophies I won. It wasn’t worth in it in the long run. Ugh.
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#14 Jacki O.

Jacki O.

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Posted 09 February 2010 - 12:44 PM

the town i was born is also the town that Axl Rose was born in

Paradise City? Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty?


yep. Paradise City, Indiana.

(otherwise known as Lafayette)
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#15 raubhimself



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Posted 09 February 2010 - 12:58 PM

i have never gotten a speeding ticket or been in a car accident

hey me too.

i wanna join the snore-off but after that let's do the ticket-accident off.

i also think i have sleep apnea. my dad does, i snore bad, i never feel like i slept.

other facts:

me and bradford cox have more in common than most people.

i was on a computer security team in college. we got 2nd place in a national competition sponsored by DHS and some big companies (Northrop Grumman, etc)

i can't count the number of drugs i've tried on my own hands, but i've never tried heroin, crack, or meth.
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'the smuggest amongst us will always be the quickest to point out the most minor transgressions of others around them'- a quote i just made up and put quotes around to make it seem slightly fancier

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