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Hit trader joes for the two buck chuck!

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#16 cetera



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Posted 29 October 2010 - 03:47 PM

the band who inspired me to make this thread is coming to phoenix

10/30 PHOENIX - Rogue Bar



and the song with the line about 2bc
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first of all, funky fm music just really does it for me.  Even if it's something corny like early mariah carey I can get way into the music with the fm bass and keys going on.   Then, there's everything else in this song.  The enigmatic title.  The synth programming brings out all the right emotional responses in me:  leads that remind me of thunderforce (even if the portamento isn't quite as exaggerated), chording synths that remind me of very old and charming genesis osts like super monaco (except somehow they don't sound as flimsy here), and of course a solid bass.  Great original motifs, interesting harmonies, good melody, rhythm.. everything that can make a song great is here!


My Music Here.  My Drug Blog vagmusic  NES-VHS                GkgBElO.png

#17 donald



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Posted 29 October 2010 - 04:13 PM

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People don't give a shit, unless it affects them personally, this affects me personally!

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Message board?

This is The Shizz.

Chromelodeon manages to get all the furniture from their hotel into the lake a few years back...and people are worried about shizzies?

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