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There's a rooster in my yard.

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#16 fatguyaz


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Posted 08 November 2010 - 10:59 AM

sounds like you've got yourself some fried chicken yo

put on a coat and gloves
catch that freedom lover
lay him gently over a flat, hard surface
put an ax to his neck quickly
defeather and clean
enjoy your freedoms

and tell your neighbor he must have flown away.......

to heaven

not having grown up on a farm, i don't have any idea how to defeather and clean a bird. it's a skill i've considered learning, but have never pursued. you know, on account of chicken being available defeathered and cleaned pretty much everywhere. i'm sure i'll regret this if i survive the apocalypse and i need to kill and dress chickens for food. well, assuming a bunch of chickens survive, too. oh, also, i don't have an axe. or a coat, for that matter. it's phoenix, jacki.


yeah, i guess.

i was too busy fucking bitches when i was younger to learn all that shit.


im just joking with you

if you dont want to kill a chicken, you dont have to, no shame in that.

just go back over to your neighbor and be like 'I cant get it out, come over and get your fucking rooster yo'

i know you're joking. but i'll take every opportunity to brag about all the sex.

i wouldn't even mind killing it, but i literally don't have an axe (when i brought this up to my wife, she said "well, we have a hammer" - yikes). i just don't want to bother. my neighbor and i will be having a "hey, you need to come get this guy out of my yard" talk when he gets home from work.

EDIT: oh, and yes, i've been referring to it as "the cock". and i try to make it as creepy as possible when i talk about it.

i have an axe.

jus sayin.

And i'm hungry.

Plus, you could employ the "grab and spin" method as well. You just grab it by the head and give it a good hard spin which breaks the neck and you're good to go. Then slit the throat, drain the blood, soak it in water which will loosen the feathers a bit. Pluck, marinate, grill, THEN invite me over, enjoy.
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#17 Quezo


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Posted 08 November 2010 - 11:01 AM

Maybe i could let him bang my chickens for a while...

No dice on this FGAZ.

Fetus omelet = DO NOT WANT
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#18 fatguyaz


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Posted 08 November 2010 - 11:07 AM

Maybe i could let him bang my chickens for a while...

No dice on this FGAZ.

Fetus omelet = DO NOT WANT

babies, i want, hmm! (in your best Yoda voice)

If no one sits on them, the fetus won't grow, holmes. Plus, it puts hair on your chest.
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#19 Jacki O.

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Posted 08 November 2010 - 11:17 AM

two things...

1) this board should automatically replace the word rooster with cock in all posts.

Maybe i could let him bang my chickens for a while...

damn sounds like you want tony's cock real bad!!!
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#20 fatguyaz


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Posted 08 November 2010 - 11:56 AM

two things...

1) this board should automatically replace the word rooster with cock in all posts.

Maybe i could let him bang my chickens for a while...

damn sounds like you want tony's cock real bad!!!

Well, from what he's described, it sounds like a very tricky cock. Evading capture as he has... it's all so intriguing.
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#21 Tony


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Posted 08 November 2010 - 12:02 PM


i had a guy over at my house this morning to do some maintenance on our pool filter and had to warn him that there was a giant cock where he'd be working. once he got over the fact that there was, in fact, a rooster behind the filter, we decided to team up. he grabbed the pool skimmer and chased after it and i kind of herded him towards the wall and we got him to almost fly out of the yard. at least he wasn't under the filter anymore.

then, the hens started clucking. our little cock heard their siren song and started strutting all around the wall, trying to figure out how to get back over there. the fear of death did not motivate him, but the ladies certainly did. i picture him as a gentle lover. but also the kind of cock who knows how to take control. all this time we had no idea he was so romantic.

anyway, i ran at him with the pool skimmer and he hopped up on the retaining wall by our garden and then up on top of the fence, and then flew over to court his hens.

damn sounds like you want tony's cock real bad!!!

get in line.
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#22 DoctorShumway


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Posted 08 November 2010 - 12:22 PM

Sounds like that cock got a happy ending after all.
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#23 skeksis


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Posted 08 November 2010 - 12:23 PM

why we do anthropology:

Notes on the Balinese Cockfight
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#24 thebiggameover


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Posted 08 November 2010 - 12:32 PM

if he wasnt an asshole, you could have just walked up with some gloves, grabed him around the wings (think like grabing someone from behind by the arms and holding the arms to their body), and tossed him over the wall. you will know a cock isnt an asshole when you walk up to it and it runs away. if it dosent run away, and instead fluffs up and is like "BRING IT BITCH" thats when you just kill the motherfucker.

cocks are only asshole-ish when you try to bring it to their house. unless it was a fighting cock, then fuck idk....


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#25 toadette


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Posted 09 November 2010 - 12:53 PM

it's a skill i've considered learning, but have never pursued. you know, on account of chicken being available defeathered and cleaned pretty much everywhere.

I have no idea why i am laughing so hard at this sentence, but i am.

Glad to hear that you got that problem with the cock solved. Cuz seriously, there is nothing worse than a stubborn cock.
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i don't care either way. male or female, you're a professional so grip these nuts and tell me they're okay. thanks.

#26 fatguyaz


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Posted 16 November 2010 - 10:14 AM

So, i woke up this morning and found one of my hens with her whole head eaten off, as well as about half her body. We just got irrigated last night as well, so i have some fresh prints in the mud and i think it's a raccoon. I'm on 40th St and Thomas area. Anyone around there seen a raccoon before? I didn't know we had them, but the tracks are pretty right on with the animal track websites i've looked at... It was my easter-egger, too, so no more green eggs for me... :(

RIP Penelope
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#27 Tony


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Posted 16 November 2010 - 10:31 AM

So, i woke up this morning and found one of my hens with her whole head eaten off, as well as about half her body. We just got irrigated last night as well, so i have some fresh prints in the mud and i think it's a raccoon. I'm on 40th St and Thomas area. Anyone around there seen a raccoon before? I didn't know we had them, but the tracks are pretty right on with the animal track websites i've looked at... It was my easter-egger, too, so no more green eggs for me... :(

RIP Penelope

dude, ask dana or neely. dana thinks there's a chupacabra living in the vacant house next to theirs. he's seen some gnarly footprints and swears he's seen a "creature" in the yard.

i just texted sherry to ask her about it, and she said "dana thinks it's either a cougar or a lynx". i think there may be some confusion.
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Emperors of Japan

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#28 differently biotic

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Posted 16 November 2010 - 10:32 AM

awe!!!! :(

I didn't know raccoons could be so urban.
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#29 fatguyaz


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Posted 16 November 2010 - 10:55 AM

So, i woke up this morning and found one of my hens with her whole head eaten off, as well as about half her body. We just got irrigated last night as well, so i have some fresh prints in the mud and i think it's a raccoon. I'm on 40th St and Thomas area. Anyone around there seen a raccoon before? I didn't know we had them, but the tracks are pretty right on with the animal track websites i've looked at... It was my easter-egger, too, so no more green eggs for me... :(

RIP Penelope

dude, ask dana or neely. dana thinks there's a chupacabra living in the vacant house next to theirs. he's seen some gnarly footprints and swears he's seen a "creature" in the yard.

i just texted sherry to ask her about it, and she said "dana thinks it's either a cougar or a lynx". i think there may be some confusion.

I'll take pics when i get home... it looks like a straight up little person hand... Raccoon is the closest thing i can figure. Any cat wouldn't have the separated fingers. They didn't have chupacabra prints listed on the site i looked at. bummer.
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#30 jeremx


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Posted 16 November 2010 - 11:19 AM

I'm on 40th St and Thomas area. Anyone around there seen a raccoon before?

that sucks. i'm on 24th st and thomas. and although i haven't seen any raccoons, there is some pretty good vegetation along the canal route so who knows what's hiding around there. you're only a couple of blocks away if you need to borrow my shotgun. :P
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