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Posted 04 May 2011 - 10:14 AM
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Posted 04 May 2011 - 10:22 AM

Posted 04 May 2011 - 02:46 PM
ack, there's a group of date rapists called LFO???
I meant these guys. The real LFO.

Posted 04 May 2011 - 07:52 PM
Posted 05 May 2011 - 09:32 AM
'the smuggest amongst us will always be the quickest to point out the most minor transgressions of others around them'- a quote i just made up and put quotes around to make it seem slightly fancier
Posted 06 May 2011 - 01:11 PM
Knight's Wake
And other stuff:
Record label: https://www.facebook.com/soursymphony
Posted 06 May 2011 - 01:56 PM
Posted 06 May 2011 - 02:10 PM
Yes, because I was a freshman in high school and this shit was everywhere. I think at one point I actually knew all the lyrics and I fucking hate that song.Did anyone listen to how hilariously bad their lyrics are?
'the smuggest amongst us will always be the quickest to point out the most minor transgressions of others around them'- a quote i just made up and put quotes around to make it seem slightly fancier
Posted 07 May 2011 - 05:58 AM
Yes, because I was a freshman in high school and this shit was everywhere. I think at one point I actually knew all the lyrics and I fucking hate that song.Did anyone listen to how hilariously bad their lyrics are?
When I hear this song I think of my first apartment. My roommates and I used to bump this song all the time because it's completely and utterly ridiculous. One the members of LFO died this year actually.
Posted 07 May 2011 - 10:22 PM
Cannot wait for Tuesday.
Posted 08 May 2011 - 02:15 AM
1) The whole thing is streaming on Stereogum right nowhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBFAB9Dphsk
Cannot wait for Tuesday.
2) They're also playing PHX Tuesday, ensuring that I'm pretty much going to pee my pants (especially since it's the first time they've been here in three years)
Posted 11 May 2011 - 06:29 AM
Goddamned I thought I was going to be disappointed that they toned down their sound, but this whole thing is great. Can't wait to see them Memorial Day weekend.
Posted 11 May 2011 - 09:01 AM
Currently dealing with a Man Man hangover of epic proportions. Without a doubt, one of the best nights of my life. I was third in line to get in, so I was front and center the entire night. Honus Honus bopped me on the head with a drum stick. I got one of my photos from the last time they came through autographed by HH and Pow Pow. Honus Honus gave me a hug. "Van Helsing Boombox" nearly had me sobbing. Just listening to the album this morning also almost has me sobbing.Goddamned I thought I was going to be disappointed that they toned down their sound, but this whole thing is great. Can't wait to see them Memorial Day weekend.
The opening act was surprisingly great as well (Shilpa Ray & Her Happy Hookers)
Posted 11 May 2011 - 12:20 PM
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