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#556 Hooray For Everything

Hooray For Everything

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Posted 29 December 2004 - 03:20 PM

You've painted up your lips and rolled and curled your tinted hair,
Ruby, are you contemplating going out somewhere?
The shadows on the wall tell me the sun is going down,
Oh Ruby, don't take your love to town.

It wasn't me that started that old crazy Asian war,
But I was proud to go and do my patriotic chore,
And yes, it's true that I'm not the man I used to be,
Oh Ruby, I still need some company.

It's hard to love a man whose legs are bent and paralyzed,
And the wants and needs of a woman your age, Ruby, I realize,
But it won't be long, I've heard them say, until I'm not around,
Oh Ruby, don't take your love to town.

She's leaving now 'cause I just heard the slamming of the door,
The way I know I heard it slam one hundred times before,
And if I could move I'd get my gun and put her in the ground,
Oh Ruby, please don't take your love to town.

Oh Ruby, for God's sake, turn around
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"HFE...sometimes you seem serious when you are joking and jokey when your serious. You make me laugh and sob all at once. Bless you, and bless the great asshole in the sky that shit you out onto earth. Thank you...thaaaaaaank you. " - bb

"Real love amounts to withholding the truth, even when you're offered the perfect opportunity to hurt someone's feelings." - DS

"one persons harassment, is just another person trying to get there shit back, ever think-a that?"


SHOCKER." - Mig50

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." ~Dr. Seuss

#557 robofish


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Posted 29 December 2004 - 03:26 PM

Sounds like someone needs to work on his oral sex skills.
Guns don't solve anything.
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#558 mothrock


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Posted 29 December 2004 - 04:47 PM

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you're a signature.

#559 Tortheviking


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Posted 03 January 2005 - 09:03 PM

sun kil moon
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#560 mancopter



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Posted 03 January 2005 - 11:55 PM

The Dresden Dolls.

Yeah, sue me. I'm gay or whatever. This album fucking rules.

EDIT: Thanks for keeping the topic alive, you guys.
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#561 Guest_bad news bear records_*

Guest_bad news bear records_*
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Posted 04 January 2005 - 02:02 AM

Examination of The - The Whitest of Elephants
Isis - Panopticon
Minus the Bear - They Make Beer Commercials Like These
Death From Above 1979 - You're a Woman, I'm a Machine
Neurosis - Eye of Every Storm
Thrones (ex-melvins)
Back When - New 7"
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#562 Guest_bad news bear records_*

Guest_bad news bear records_*
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Posted 04 January 2005 - 02:11 AM


90 day men - Panda Park
Ryan Adams - Love is Hell
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#563 Estrogen


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Posted 04 January 2005 - 11:55 AM

Husker Du - Zen Arcade
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#564 rudolpho of pensacola

rudolpho of pensacola

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Posted 04 January 2005 - 11:59 AM

when the sun goes down-
various, virtually unheard gospel and spiritual songs, i believe compiled by this guy who went around for years,mainly in the south to record all of this amazing music and musicians
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#565 mancopter



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Posted 04 January 2005 - 10:31 PM

^^^ That sounds incredibly cool.

I am listening to a mix of my Spiritualized collection (which consists of pretty much everything).

Spiritualized are about as cool as the jesus, but they do heroin too, so they get hipster cred.
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#566 Guest_cryptic_curt_*

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Posted 05 January 2005 - 12:09 AM

radio satan and

my music here
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#567 ToroRojo


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Posted 05 January 2005 - 01:24 AM



They're playing at the Mason Jar on Feb. 21st. They are incredible live.
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Damn this Mean Device

#568 chadk


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Posted 05 January 2005 - 07:45 AM


patsy cline
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All the time when I tell people what I do they say, "Oh I don't understand art, I can't even draw." (or worse, "I only like art I can understand.") Well, ya know what, I don't know how to make a car, but I sure appreciate being able to drive one.


#569 raubhimself



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Posted 05 January 2005 - 12:53 PM

Arcade Fire - Funeral (finally heard this last night, had to pick it up today)
Sonic Youth - Dirty
HUM - You'd Prefer an Astronaut

JohnMFer, I think you told me about HUM a while ago. What would you say is their best album(s) to get? I really know nothing about them and almost didn't buy this album because I couldn't remember if that was the right band or not. But then Steve from Shitty Shitty Band Band saw it and said they were good.
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'the smuggest amongst us will always be the quickest to point out the most minor transgressions of others around them'- a quote i just made up and put quotes around to make it seem slightly fancier

#570 mancopter



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Posted 05 January 2005 - 01:15 PM

Arcade Fire - Funeral (finally heard this last night, had to pick it up today)
Sonic Youth - Dirty
HUM - You'd Prefer an Astronaut

JohnMFer, I think you told me about HUM a while ago. What would you say is their best album(s) to get? I really know nothing about them and almost didn't buy this album because I couldn't remember if that was the right band or not. But then Steve from Shitty Shitty Band Band saw it and said they were good.

You'd Prefer an Astronaut is my favorite.
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