Coward Crutch
Member Since 23 Jun 2003Offline Last Active Jun 19 2024 12:59 PM
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Coward Crutch
Dear Smooth McGroove, if you are reading this; I want you to know that I hate you. You taint many things I hold dear with your smug shittyness. You are an asshole. Fuck you #tssboompap

I don't think the world is ready for Smooth McGroovegate, in any event.
Jul 14 2014 12:39 PM -
Eric Dude
Yeah, it's pretty uncomfortable to watch him perform. I think that was the biggest reason I could not get into his vids. Like, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR EYEBROWS DUDE. Fuck.
Jul 14 2014 09:49 PM

Coward Crutch
go to this!/photo.php?fbid=414620925265483&set=a.310628472331396.71528.100001527367898&type=1&theater
Aug 29 2012 09:19 AM

Coward Crutch
does anyone have a Windows Vista Home Edition key?? My 30 days are also up :[[[[[

Coward Crutch → thecreeper
Shoot me your paypal address when you get a chance bud....

haha. you're so funny on the internet garrett. you're internet funny.
Jan 10 2012 12:09 PM -

Hah, I remember chilling with you, Raub and Shawn Phase way back when. This needs to happen again, dag blastit!
Mar 01 2011 12:23 PM