The first two times in my life I've burst into tears and yelled, "No! No!" and they're the same day. Not about me; just trying to say how I feel. I know it's a much worse day for many others. I miss my friends. Hugs to all of you.
- The Shizz
- → Viewing Profile: Posts: Mary
Member Since 05 Oct 2002Offline Last Active Oct 15 2013 03:18 PM
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- Active Posts 1,934
- Profile Views 15,564
- Member Title Shizz Captain
- Age 64 years old
- Birthday September 6, 1960
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Posts I've Made
In Topic: what do we need to talk about? It has been a sad weekend.
15 October 2013 - 02:54 PM
In Topic: Anyone know/can recommend an Social Security attorney ?
07 March 2013 - 08:41 AM
I PM'd you a list of recommendations. Hope it helps.
In Topic: Who is on Twitter?
27 February 2013 - 02:21 PM
I have tweeted like twice ever. I use it to find people I need to write to/about whom I can't find any other way. But when it first started, I thought it would be a good way to find tacos or keep up with people who are traveling . . . if I ever got a smartphone, which I still haven't, not because I'm old, but because you people don't support me in the style to which I'd like to become accustomed.
In Topic: Your beard does not need a shave line at the neck...
27 February 2013 - 02:17 PM
It really depends on the raw materials you have to work with. I agree if you're doing it to cut down on maintenance, then don't be concerned what you look like. But Mr. Mary, for example, looks serious, dignified, and professional with his beard groomed off his neck, and since he's a school nurse, and a male school nurse freaks some people out (not the kids or parents, generally -- they are cool), those are good goals. He actually looks better with the beard than without.
It's like when some dude on Yahoo! Answers asked "If you're balding, should you shave your head or comb over?" and I answered, "Get a freakin' professional haircut from someone who knows how to cut thinning hair, and you will look all studly." Not everybody can pull everything off.
In Topic: Did you know the shizz was born on (for) NYE?
02 January 2013 - 10:34 AM
I know it is, and I take that in the friendly spirit in which you offer it. Just about anyone here who does know me will also testify that I've been rather inactive on all of the forums for the past few years. I've had some mobility problems (they're getting better) and haven't been going to shows much and I also broke down and joined Facebook, aaaaaaa . . .^It's strange and interesting to see someone with Shizz Captain status, who joined well before almost anyone in the minibosses forum, whom I've never even heard of.
I always start a topic when there are Phoenix kittens to adopt. FYI.

- The Shizz
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