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Member Since 09 Jan 2010
Offline Last Active Sep 28 2011 08:10 PM

#936834 Seeking feedback and perhaps a gig

Posted by pawl on 16 August 2010 - 11:17 PM

Hello fellow musicians and music fans,

I am semi-new to the Phoenix area, and have not played out a lot yet. I just released my first solo CD that I have ever done in the studio.

I would love feedback on this message board. And I am contacting some venues for CD release show, but if any band/promoter happens to be playing a venue in Sept/Oct and wouldn't mind my group opening (20 minutes to 45 minutes), I would be very happy with that.

Listen here:
http://pawl.bandcamp.com (where you can listen to the entire album, and purchase a digital copy)

my goal was merely to show you my music, open myself up for feedback, and let you forward this to anyone who might like it. But as a thank you to anyone who does buy a digital copy of my album just type the word "thankyou" into the promotional code on pawl.bandcamp.com and receive 20% off the retail price through 8/31/2010.

everyone loves a video preview (5 more to come)

If you want a free burned copy, you have to bother me (in person or via email) : ) I'll burn you one!

http://www.facebook.com/pawlpawl ( where you can connect up and LIKE my page, listen to samples of the album and see pictures, see updates, and show information, etc).

http://www.myspace.com/pkiddy (listen to samples and see updates)

Thank you all for your time.

please email me feedback here: pawlmusic@gmail.com
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