- The Shizz
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Member Since 29 Mar 2010Offline Last Active Aug 30 2010 10:26 PM
About Me
So you came to visit my page,
Lucky you, you only found a big bunch of boring text.
So basically I've been lurking in the shadows of the video game remixing community for a long while now. Mainly on a site called OverClocked Remix. I've been attending University to study graphic design and fine arts. My specialty is painting. My art to a certain degree has matured and I've discovered what it is that I want to do with art... which is to focus on video games. Thus I decided to enter the ring of the community as a graphic artist, and have been contributing to album art for various video game remix albums.
Why is it that I've decided to really push and become a part of the community... simple... I love music as well. I've studied piano for seven years before switching over to saxophone which is a prime favorite of mine to play. Despite this musical background though I don't feel my skills are polished enough for any practical remixing. So I have taken a bit of a sideline role as an artist and now stepping into the role of project coordinator.
So basically I'm hoping to somehow bring video game art to a degree of professionalism, and hopefully this professional image can be passed onto further Video game remix releases. So feel free to contact me if you need some snazzy album art for your album or somethig along those lines.
Currently though I've taken up several projects and I'm very busy.
In the mean time though thanks for visiting.
Community Stats
- Group Members
- Active Posts 54
- Profile Views 1,765
- Member Title Shizz Junior Member
- Age 38 years old
- Birthday May 23, 1986
Beeton, ON, Canada
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