- The Shizz
- → Viewing Profile: Reputation: degrae
Member Since 04 Jul 2005Offline Last Active Oct 05 2012 09:25 AM
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- Member Title Kohls Restroom Monitor
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#1042639 Help! My MONITOR! ARGH!
Posted by degrae
on 12 May 2011 - 02:59 PM
#952600 Home ownership
Posted by degrae
on 25 September 2010 - 01:15 AM
Please tell me you signed in a neighborhood you can commit to and can contribute in. (I ended a sentence in a preposition bitches!),
because over time you will become an institution in your neighborhood.
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#949736 Currently Having with Sex With:
Posted by degrae
on 17 September 2010 - 11:01 PM
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#949722 Pre-Order PoolBoy Magazine Issue 1
Posted by degrae
on 17 September 2010 - 10:12 PM
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#939165 Have u ever heard of Quarter Inch Crown?
Posted by degrae
on 20 August 2010 - 11:46 PM
- 1
#930398 God wants us to fight about art.
Posted by degrae
on 01 August 2010 - 04:12 AM
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#922367 A Message From Kimber...
Posted by degrae
on 11 July 2010 - 10:16 PM
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#885863 Currently Thinking........
Posted by degrae
on 08 April 2010 - 12:14 AM
ps, no breaking dicks off, even if you are emotionally involved with the dick in question, might as well have been one of the ten commandments.We have been feeding a neighborhood cat which sleeps on our porch. He can count on 2 hot meals a day, which we have to pay for and clean up after. Tonight we caught a crack lady who has been randomly feeding him the wrong kind of food in secret, in the middle of the night. Now, I like that she likes to look after cats. I don't want random people shuffling around my house in the wee hours because, what's good for the cat lady is good for the rapist. I shut the lights off and busted her feeding my outside cat this noxious cheap ass Friskies that makes his farts smell like were all dying. I yellz at her, I said, "hey, you can't do this, this is our cat and we take care of him. come back here and talk to us!" Literaly word for word. She goes running off with her back pack. I don't want well intentioned crack ladies observing my house for the time we go to sleep, even if it is so they can slop their cheap ass love on a cat that truely desrves a slightly better diet. In fact, I don't want anyone in the whole world to observe what time we go to sleep, that idea would make me never ever ever go to sleep, dammit. Thoughts?
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#880911 2010 albums.
Posted by degrae
on 26 March 2010 - 10:34 PM
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#879947 Your worst breakup
Posted by degrae
on 25 March 2010 - 01:43 AM
And you say yep, you did, but my freedom is worth 2 million dollars, or more, and I can ring my own bell.This is why breakups are the best, because they lead to personal freedom. It is also how you know your in the right hands, your partner wants you to always feel freedom, because they trust you, with cause.
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#877056 Your worst breakup
Posted by degrae
on 17 March 2010 - 11:43 PM
There were twin brother bullies in my junior high, Dennis and Danny Atterbury. Half Native American, half trailer trash they were the terror of my school and I had been making ground with looking them in the eye and not getting fucked with by them anymore.
All of the sudden, Dennis decided he was going to go after Gina. Fine by me, I didn't know what to do with all that action, but then the worst happened.
Dodie's Senior in High School sisters decided to take up my cause and kicked the shit out of Dennis in the alley behind Dodie's house. I heard they lifted him up by his hair and kicked him in the nuts until he cried. He was a little kid, and they were almost adults. There should have been charges filed. I was involved because Gina had a casual attraction to me, and I did not know what to do with it all. Dennis and Danny moved or something, Gina and Dodie moved or something, but I always felt an extra weight with relationships since then. I never heard from Gina after the alley incident. Disgusting.
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#873377 God help us.
Posted by degrae
on 10 March 2010 - 11:54 PM
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#848937 Big Thanks and Big Invite!
Posted by degrae
on 12 January 2010 - 09:40 PM
Quarter Inch Crown's Acoustic Crown with the Volume Down begins at 8pm
Sean McCarthy's Sean Capades Sean on Ice Weekly Stand Up Comedy Show starts at 9pm.
This week: January 13th, From L.A. SEAN MCCARTHY; from Downtown Phoenix - RONNIE D, from Chicago - CHI TOWN BONES, from North Central Phoenix - BEN VITOFF, from Indonesia - MANNY LLANEZ, also featuring WILL NOVAK, MEDICINE MAN and REGGIE!!!
10:30 has more music from Quarter Inch Crown and friends.
Bring a potluck item!!! You know you like to eat!!
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