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Member Since 04 Jul 2005
Offline Last Active Oct 05 2012 09:25 AM

#1042639 Help! My MONITOR! ARGH!

Posted by degrae on 12 May 2011 - 02:59 PM

My Stu omputer mon keeps cut n and out ry scon nd a half, and it freaking infur ! So I have all th rk to n't keep my fuc atscreen on long enough t a single sentence. So if ne has an extra flat that is not use, currently, as close to s eap as possible, please a note! Tha
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#952600 Home ownership

Posted by degrae on 25 September 2010 - 01:15 AM

I feel like you have purchased your house already, and so it is now yours. The worst things about home ownership are 2. 1 if something worth $6000 breaks you have to pay to fix it. And actually worse, if a neighbor sucks you can't change them. On the plus, if you truly own your decision to buy and hold property you can kinda train your neighbors to like and help you. It's just a matter of FREQUENT DIPLOMATIC COMMUNICATION. And the other one, is, I sure hope you picked a spot that you like to drive to and from, cause if you want some of the money back from your "investment" you are going to have to display why living in your house is a great idea. Make a brick pizza stove in your back yard if you like that shit. Dig yourself a jacuzzi, and really own it, and make it alot better than when you got there. People pay more for easy. Here's the pool guy, Here's your glass repair, here's your ac fix. Know that stuff and you can sell your new house to someone, should you not like the hood, very easily. People like all of their information handed to them.
Please tell me you signed in a neighborhood you can commit to and can contribute in. (I ended a sentence in a preposition bitches!),
because over time you will become an institution in your neighborhood.
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#949736 Currently Having with Sex With:

Posted by degrae on 17 September 2010 - 11:01 PM

All the stuff i've heard of starts with "the hot carl" which later got named "the ATM", The dirty Sanchez is a variation of the Hot Carl and the ATM, Apparently, it entertains some gents, when they feed the taste of a girls ass to the very same girl. I consider that rude because if they wanted to taste their own ass they certainly would have had many opportunities before I got there. Then there is the Gorilla, in which case you shave off all your pubes and save em next to the bed, blow your load on the ladies face, and dust her with the saved pubes. Recent radio activity has added " the SilverBack" to this prospect, for when you become older, you shave off your gray pubes, save them, and make a nice stripe up the back of the unsuspecting victim. So, you never know. I would way rather be the recipient of a Silverback, than an "Abe Lincoln".
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#949722 Pre-Order PoolBoy Magazine Issue 1

Posted by degrae on 17 September 2010 - 10:12 PM

Oh my God, this is so Wisogynistic, it makes men OBJECTS instead of PEOPLE!!! Men have feelings just like the gays and women, if a poor innocent 24 year old man looks back through his political and church career to find himself slathering Jergens on his chest in the pages of POOLBOY, he will lose the the triumphant swagger necessary to Judge Others. It's so degrading fellas.
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#939165 Have u ever heard of Quarter Inch Crown?

Posted by degrae on 20 August 2010 - 11:46 PM

We will celebrate Mig's birfday by releasing our new album at Hollywood Alley on August 28th, It's a really big deal for us, we will open the show with our pals AP Calculus, then Former Friends of Young Americans, then our big cd release, then Tramps and Thieves. Just so you know Hollywood Alley is very Shizz friendly, I might caution you that Hooves have been feuding with the Former Friends with T-Shirt warfare, a very deadly form of warfare which may cripple the recipient of the greater volley. Precisely why the Former Friends are featured at such an important show. We certainly are proud that Tramps and Thieves will close the show with the only local songs we all know how to sing. If you want to talk star power, Mr. Iverson of AP Calculus is a long time music editor for College Times, he's the drummer. Mz. Barton of Former Friends of Young Americans (bass) was the founding manager of Modified Arts, the girl you must impress if you're gonna rock downtown Phoenix, (circa 2002). Then of course the Quarter Inch Crown, thing, where we go, " buy our album and make us feel like you like it," because it's our NEW RECORD RELEASE PARTY, and then the old school new country Americana blues of Tramps and Thieves, fresh off a previous gig. If you don't immediately commit yourself to our cd release show, I sentence you to watching Tiger Pit on You Tube with your full attention One Hundred and Twenty times. ( I got through 74, then i slept in my chair.)Please feel welcome at the barrage of great songwriters and performers at this show. We may never see the likes of this group of groups again, please take advantage if you can.
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#930398 God wants us to fight about art.

Posted by degrae on 01 August 2010 - 04:12 AM

Now what? Fight about art? To each they own? Up yours!. Fight about art. Yep, get mad. If you see art that sucks, find the culprit, tell them that you know where they stole it from and get right in their face, and say, look doosh, I know where that shit came from. You guys actuallly tacitly already do this, don't let "artists" get a free pass. Make them talk aboult it. You willl rehabilitate art with the weapon of conversation.
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#922367 A Message From Kimber...

Posted by degrae on 11 July 2010 - 10:16 PM

Arizona actually doesn't need people to support us or endorse us. Our artist's work speaks for itself, our farms and people produce for themselves. If the political comunity would like to postulate on the the well being of the Latino community, let them postulate on this. I have hired more than three hundred "Qualified" carpenters in my career. It took 20 hirings to find one man that could understand the marks on a tape measurer. Of the 15 people that actually knew that they would need to understand a tape measurer AND show up to work, one hundred percent of the remaining two people that would actually lift, measure, and cut wood, were more Mexican than the Mexicans that live legally in the USA. Every single white guy I hired was above the work at hand, or was in a begging state because of addiction. The very smartest caucasian I ever hired was never to be found, except when we heard he had been prosecuted for embezzling from the company he helped to form. I'm a white guy, I'd like to think that white guys have something to offer, but from my experience in the real world, where real work turns into real money, we need real Mexicans, that don't argue about unions, that just want their $60 bucks for the day of work they put in. If you find yourself in another country one day, you might be treated the way you treat your local Mexicans. If that means you welcome them and give them what you can, including the respect you would expect for yourself, you will probably have an easy time, remember, citiczens, we by law and by force imposed ourselves on this land, not everyone will like it.
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#885863 Currently Thinking........

Posted by degrae on 08 April 2010 - 12:14 AM

We have been feeding a neighborhood cat which sleeps on our porch. He can count on 2 hot meals a day, which we have to pay for and clean up after. Tonight we caught a crack lady who has been randomly feeding him the wrong kind of food in secret, in the middle of the night. Now, I like that she likes to look after cats. I don't want random people shuffling around my house in the wee hours because, what's good for the cat lady is good for the rapist. I shut the lights off and busted her feeding my outside cat this noxious cheap ass Friskies that makes his farts smell like were all dying. I yellz at her, I said, "hey, you can't do this, this is our cat and we take care of him. come back here and talk to us!" Literaly word for word. She goes running off with her back pack. I don't want well intentioned crack ladies observing my house for the time we go to sleep, even if it is so they can slop their cheap ass love on a cat that truely desrves a slightly better diet. In fact, I don't want anyone in the whole world to observe what time we go to sleep, that idea would make me never ever ever go to sleep, dammit. Thoughts?

ps, no breaking dicks off, even if you are emotionally involved with the dick in question, might as well have been one of the ten commandments.
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#880911 2010 albums.

Posted by degrae on 26 March 2010 - 10:34 PM

Obligatorially, Quarter Inch Crown done finished a CD w/ Vericolli at 513, 2010 release date = when $500 more dollars comes at us. Song Diego (Hi Mike) is on the Shizz Comp, the entire album is MINDBLOWING, I mean really amazing, there are no 2 songs written in the same style, it's almost like the entire songwriting production world converged and edited one perfect album with supreme class and a vision for longevity. I think. The album, called Truck of Doom, might be the tantamount release from Arizona, or the Northern or Western hemisphere for that matter. T-Payne will probably sample most of the groovier bits, fine with us. Einhorn will definately steal some of the harder riffs but won't be able to factor in the math involved in their creation.
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#879947 Your worst breakup

Posted by degrae on 25 March 2010 - 01:43 AM

Never break up slow. The stupidest breakups are the slow, "oh this sucks but I've invested so much in them" breakups. If your pal wants you to have a better life, they will try to quit sucking or they will move along. Want an engaging intelligent person to be with? Want your High School dream. Don't fuckin' lie! Tell your casual acquaintence what you are actually going to do, and chances are it will turn them on, make them better for ya.Be mysterious to people that don't deserve the truth. Be truthfull to people that share with you. If they don't get it move fast and let them find a different victim. You are never wrong if you trust yourself, if you are still wandering in your mind be straight about it, because everyone understands that, except for that twenty minutes that it takes to explain it to them. During THOSE twenty minutes they always act like "c'mon baby, didn't I ring yer bell on several occasions?"
And you say yep, you did, but my freedom is worth 2 million dollars, or more, and I can ring my own bell.This is why breakups are the best, because they lead to personal freedom. It is also how you know your in the right hands, your partner wants you to always feel freedom, because they trust you, with cause.
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#877056 Your worst breakup

Posted by degrae on 17 March 2010 - 11:43 PM

The worst was Gina Dexter. Yep, 13 years old, she was friends with Dodie Schleiff and Dodie's big sisters. Gina was a peroxide blond who dressed and acted like Lita Ford. Her 15 year old brother used to like to steal his brother's car and drive us around. Gina kissed me like she owned me, made out with me and grabbed my junk and I was actually scared.
There were twin brother bullies in my junior high, Dennis and Danny Atterbury. Half Native American, half trailer trash they were the terror of my school and I had been making ground with looking them in the eye and not getting fucked with by them anymore.
All of the sudden, Dennis decided he was going to go after Gina. Fine by me, I didn't know what to do with all that action, but then the worst happened.
Dodie's Senior in High School sisters decided to take up my cause and kicked the shit out of Dennis in the alley behind Dodie's house. I heard they lifted him up by his hair and kicked him in the nuts until he cried. He was a little kid, and they were almost adults. There should have been charges filed. I was involved because Gina had a casual attraction to me, and I did not know what to do with it all. Dennis and Danny moved or something, Gina and Dodie moved or something, but I always felt an extra weight with relationships since then. I never heard from Gina after the alley incident. Disgusting.
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#873377 God help us.

Posted by degrae on 10 March 2010 - 11:54 PM

God is the individual that you will be asking for by name as you are pulling over for your next DUI. God is also what you will say during an exceptionally intense orgasm. God is the idea of a universal intelligence that has enough of your best interest reflected back upon you, to give you a little hope if you are diagnosed with cancer. If you want to flavor God with the same seasoning as Santa Clause, go ahead, but remember the instances when you actually called out for God and meant it. There is no religion or book that has captured an accurate representation of God, but, if you are a scientist, you can clearly appreciate that time existed before people could comprehend it, and during the billions of years before people understood time, elements were coming together to make human life possible, without human life you would have no point of reference. Maybe God is only what we all know and are capable of. Maybe God is electricity, because all life has that in common. The stories that people make up serve individual interests, religion is horrible, but the concept of a great collective intelligence makes the future interesting enough to look into.God exists because you believe it does. You would have no topic here if that were not true.
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#848937 Big Thanks and Big Invite!

Posted by degrae on 12 January 2010 - 09:40 PM

All you Shizzmonsters that have played the Wednesday Acoustic Crown, have made the first four months of freestyle shows the very best example of local/professional performance. The Icehouse Tavern has been graced with the most top notch musicians because of your acoustical and electrical contribution. Please continue to show up with or without gear, and give yourselves a little stage time, because those of you that have performed have been a real surprise to the locals that are not familiar with your previous shows. We never say open mic because it's always been great songwriters and empassioned performances, so it's a qualified open mic. If you would like an hour showcase or a fifteen minute block on weds. please drop us a message, and come out on 1/13!

Quarter Inch Crown's Acoustic Crown with the Volume Down begins at 8pm

Sean McCarthy's Sean Capades Sean on Ice Weekly Stand Up Comedy Show starts at 9pm.
This week: January 13th, From L.A. SEAN MCCARTHY; from Downtown Phoenix - RONNIE D, from Chicago - CHI TOWN BONES, from North Central Phoenix - BEN VITOFF, from Indonesia - MANNY LLANEZ, also featuring WILL NOVAK, MEDICINE MAN and REGGIE!!!

10:30 has more music from Quarter Inch Crown and friends.


Bring a potluck item!!! You know you like to eat!!
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