- The Shizz
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Member Since 23 Feb 2003Offline Last Active Nov 07 2012 10:11 PM
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- Active Posts 2,149
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- Member Title Seltzer Enthusiast
- Age 49 years old
- Birthday January 10, 1976
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10 March 2012 - 11:15 PM
so after getting that new position here at work that i wanted and toughing out the overnight/overweekend shift (7p-6a Fri-Mon) for 5 months, i've finally gotten a better schedule. it's 1pm to midnight with friday, sunday, and monday off. it's not my dream shift. working til midnight sucks, working saturdays sucks, etc.. but now i've got friday nights to go out and do shit, sundays where i can hang out, bbq, swim, etc.. and mondays where i can do whatever weeekday-type errands, appointments, yard/housework, etc that i gotta do. i'm sure everyone here is dying for a yardwork update. ha anyway.. i may be around a bit more now and out and about as well to take in some shows. anyway, hope everyone's well.

Any Az folks/bands have a van they can rent out?
04 October 2011 - 05:54 PM
Do you have a big van? Would you like to make at least $500 for letting me use your van for 5-6 days? Don't you want to feel good knowing you helped out AZ wildlife conservation efforts? I'll even name a prairie dog after you, your band, your mom, whatever. no car rental company will rent us anything larger than a suburban to go to Cananea, Sonora (1 hour from the border) to pick up prairie dogs to reintroduce into the southern AZ grasslands. also, the department won't let us take an agency vehicle to Mexico due to safety precautions (they don't want AZ government to have a presence in Mexico, and we are trying to slide in under the radar as a non-profit conservation group). the van needs to have AC, and be large enough to house 12-15 small rabbit hutches (a 12 passenger van would be the smallest), be in good enough working condition to go to Cananea and back, and have decent tires as some driving will be done on a well-maintained gravel road. your van will be returned clean and in the same condition it left your custody. please help us out, we don't have enough money left in the grant to rent three large SUVs ($3,000+). lemme know if you can help out or contact meggan duggan via facebook. thanks.
- The Shizz
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