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#211 mancopter



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Posted 15 January 2009 - 12:48 PM

Started watching Season 1 of "Weeds". Great show.

I like looking at Mary-Louise Parker :wub:
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#212 Jacki O.

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Posted 15 January 2009 - 12:49 PM

Started watching Season 1 of "Weeds". Great show.

I like looking at Mary-Louise Parker :wub:

OMG - that show is awesome. The second season is AMAZING! srsly.

Mary-Louise Parker is HOT TITS.

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#213 Quezo


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Posted 15 January 2009 - 01:54 PM

Started watching Season 1 of "Weeds". Great show.

I like looking at Mary-Louise Parker :wub:

OMG - that show is awesome. The second season is AMAZING! srsly.

Mary-Louise Parker is hot tits.

HOT TITS indeed.

All capitals, remember Jackie?
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#214 glitterbot


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Posted 18 January 2009 - 10:56 PM

Holy shit. I just watched the world's most upsetting and disturbing movie ever. Seriously, I could barely watch it. It is called An American Crime. Based on THIS true story. I can't understand why I have never heard of this murder? It seems like growing up in this country everyone knows about various sensationalized serial killers, but no one ever hears about this poor girl. jesus.
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#215 Tony


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Posted 20 January 2009 - 10:53 AM

i just watched grandma's boy over the weekend and laughed very, very hard. it's worth noting that i was also very, very drunk at the time. i don't know that it would be as funny if you were sober.
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#216 mancopter



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Posted 20 January 2009 - 11:07 AM

i just watched grandma's boy over the weekend and laughed very, very hard. it's worth noting that i was also very, very drunk at the time. i don't know that it would be as funny if you were sober.


I watched WALL-E last night and must say that I liked it very much.

I always feel dirty saying that about Disney movies, even if it's Pixar.
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#217 The Real Jeffrey Lebowski

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Posted 20 January 2009 - 11:42 AM

i just watched grandma's boy over the weekend and laughed very, very hard. it's worth noting that i was also very, very drunk at the time. i don't know that it would be as funny if you were sober.

I also agree. So much so, that I'm thinking I'm going to bite the bullet and check out that Paul Blart - Mall Cop movie (only because it's also Happy Madison, and I have a Harkins gift card...)
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#218 chadk


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Posted 20 January 2009 - 11:45 AM

we saw gran trino last weekend, and really enjoyed it.
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All the time when I tell people what I do they say, "Oh I don't understand art, I can't even draw." (or worse, "I only like art I can understand.") Well, ya know what, I don't know how to make a car, but I sure appreciate being able to drive one.


#219 beefstew


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Posted 20 January 2009 - 09:05 PM

AC 360 Coverage of the Inauguration Baby!!
And all the Balls. I think he is speaking at the 6th one right now. VP Biden Home States Ball...
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#220 The Real Jeffrey Lebowski

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Posted 22 January 2009 - 10:51 PM

Grey Gardens (Criterion Collection...if you're into that kinda thing) - Documentary about this old bag and her co-dependent, even older bag of a mother who happen to be the cousin and aunt, respectively, of Jackie O (the one with the "e"). They share their isolated shack of a mansion with wild cats, raccoons and one small film crew. Reminds me of every single old, obnoxious, New York lady customer I ever delivered to when I was still working for Mattress Outlet.

Bat. Shit. Crazy.

If you want to spend an hour and a half with her and her mother, then I recommend this film.

Not that I didn't enjoy it - I loved it. It's just so fucking obnoxious. But I'll probably buy it.
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This ship will sail, This heart won't die


#221 Jacki O.

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Posted 23 January 2009 - 09:30 AM

Grey Gardens (Criterion Collection...if you're into that kinda thing) - Documentary about this old bag and her co-dependent, even older bag of a mother who happen to be the cousin and aunt, respectively, of Jackie O (the one with the "e"). They share their isolated shack of a mansion with wild cats, raccoons and one small film crew. Reminds me of every single old, obnoxious, New York lady customer I ever delivered to when I was still working for Mattress Outlet.

Bat. Shit. Crazy.

If you want to spend an hour and a half with her and her mother, then I recommend this film.

Not that I didn't enjoy it - I loved it. It's just so fucking obnoxious. But I'll probably buy it.

Yes! That movie is rad. The daughter is so crazy but became such a fashion icon (i know right?). The DVD has a lot of special features that are cool, like an interview with the daughter after her mother has died...very interesting.
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#222 The Real Jeffrey Lebowski

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Posted 23 January 2009 - 09:46 AM

Grey Gardens (Criterion Collection...if you're into that kinda thing) - Documentary about this old bag and her co-dependent, even older bag of a mother who happen to be the cousin and aunt, respectively, of Jackie O (the one with the "e"). They share their isolated shack of a mansion with wild cats, raccoons and one small film crew. Reminds me of every single old, obnoxious, New York lady customer I ever delivered to when I was still working for Mattress Outlet.

Bat. Shit. Crazy.

If you want to spend an hour and a half with her and her mother, then I recommend this film.

Not that I didn't enjoy it - I loved it. It's just so fucking obnoxious. But I'll probably buy it.

Yes! That movie is rad. The daughter is so crazy but became such a fashion icon (i know right?). The DVD has a lot of special features that are cool, like an interview with the daughter after her mother has died...very interesting.

I couldn't stomach any more of it and had to send it back. I'll just catch the special features when I end up buying it...

Fashion icon huh...God bless America I guess!
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#223 mancopter



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Posted 26 January 2009 - 02:30 PM

I was in a documentary mood last weekend.

The Comedians of Comedy: The Movie ~ about the 2004 comedy tour of the same name
Word Wars ~ about the 2002 national Scrabble championship
Confessions of a Superhero ~ about those creepy people dressed as superheroes in Hollywood who pose with tourists and accept handouts

All three were very good.
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#224 The Real Jeffrey Lebowski

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Posted 27 January 2009 - 07:22 PM

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This ship will sail, This heart won't die


#225 mig50



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Posted 28 January 2009 - 10:18 AM

i've been plowing through LOST recently.

finished the first season last night, then watched the first 4 episodes of season 2.
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you mean you forgot cranberries too?

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