Once you're away from him for a year, you might never want him back. Plus if you don't, he might hate you.
I have a much different feeling and my son is actually all for it. If he weren't there would be no decision to make and I wouldn't feel like my life was spiralling out of control!

I have a feeling that he'll be away for a year and come back different. Like maybe he won't like it here anymore, maybe he'll have hard time adjusting back to life with mom and dad, maybe he'll hate me for NOT letting him go. Maybe he'll forget how to speak English! (j/k)
I've just never put any kind of thought into letting him live with his grandparents in his whole little ole 12yrs. Even at my hardest moments, I've always known for sure his place was with me. His grandparents have done so much for him and exposed him to things his dad and I can do right now and I truly am thankful but this... AH! I feel this is just asking for too much. Even if it will look good on his transcipts!

you're son could be a real life karate kid if you let him go to singapore!
No, Jacki! No