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#2071 Dez


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Posted 14 May 2010 - 02:56 PM

Once you're away from him for a year, you might never want him back. Plus if you don't, he might hate you.

I have a much different feeling and my son is actually all for it. If he weren't there would be no decision to make and I wouldn't feel like my life was spiralling out of control! :(

I have a feeling that he'll be away for a year and come back different. Like maybe he won't like it here anymore, maybe he'll have hard time adjusting back to life with mom and dad, maybe he'll hate me for NOT letting him go. Maybe he'll forget how to speak English! (j/k)

I've just never put any kind of thought into letting him live with his grandparents in his whole little ole 12yrs. Even at my hardest moments, I've always known for sure his place was with me. His grandparents have done so much for him and exposed him to things his dad and I can do right now and I truly am thankful but this... AH! I feel this is just asking for too much. Even if it will look good on his transcipts! :angry:

you're son could be a real life karate kid if you let him go to singapore!


No, Jacki! No :( Or... maybe. I dunno!!!
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#2072 Jacki O.

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Posted 14 May 2010 - 03:11 PM


its a tough decision for sure.

it would be a really cool experience to have but if you feel he's too young, he can always have that experience in the future, like he can do a study abroad in college or be an exchange student in high school for a summer (or longer)

he can always come back if he gets there and really doesn't do well.
but learning to live in another culture can be really educational and great for your confidence and view of the world. could be a very life changing trip for him. And it gives you some free time to get crazy!

im sure your son isn't like this but teenage boys are :rolleyes:
wait 2 years and then send him off to china when he's 14 and being a brat!
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#2073 differently biotic

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Posted 14 May 2010 - 03:21 PM

Dez - how does *HE* feel about the opportunity?
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#2074 Dez


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Posted 14 May 2010 - 03:26 PM

He's the best most talented, handsomest, son a mom could have I can't fathom letting him go, ever *tear*!!!

Gosh! I feel like that dude on Satuday Night fever that kept asking everyone for advice about his knocked up GF only to end up falling off the Brooklynn bridge!haha

This is so insane. I'd actually be able to go and visit with him for a few weeks so at least it won't be a complete 9 mo without seeing him. It's just so scary.

*sniffle* ah!

Dez - how does *HE* feel about the opportunity?

He's stoked. He says the only thing keeping him from not wanting to go is the thought of leaving me and me being sad after he leaves. I don't want to have to suck it up but I think I might have too :(
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#2075 differently biotic

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Posted 14 May 2010 - 03:30 PM

I just remember how I was at 12. I would be solidly pissed off if I was stoked for something like this and my mom(or parent) wouldn't let me do it. (knowing especially that I would be safe w/ family)

I am still annoyed with her about something similar to this from when I was 6! hahahaha
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#2076 jeremx


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Posted 14 May 2010 - 03:31 PM

I don't want to have to suck it up but I think I might have too :(

i really really think you should. opportunities like that don't come along every day.
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#2077 Rial


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Posted 14 May 2010 - 03:38 PM

Send the kid to Singapore, that is a very cool opportunity, unless by sabbatical, the grandfather really means start up a sweat shop, if that is the case, I say no.
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#2078 capharnaum


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Posted 15 May 2010 - 09:53 PM

i'm thinking about having a fresh pot

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#2079 Tender Lad

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Posted 17 May 2010 - 08:43 AM

I'm stoked about my Southwest Shakepeare Company audition this week. I'm gonna bust my shakespeare nut all over those muthafuckas!
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#2080 Tony


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Posted 17 May 2010 - 09:01 AM

I'm gonna bust my shakespeare nut all over those muthafuckas!


good luck.
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#2081 Quezo


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Posted 17 May 2010 - 09:02 AM

i'm thinking about having a fresh pot

This is genius.


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#2082 jeremx


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Posted 17 May 2010 - 10:22 AM

getting closer and closer to closing on a house.. aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh.. it's been driving me crazy!

(my gf is actually the one buying the house but i'm moving in with her and it's a huge deal for us so we've been freaking out)
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#2083 Dez


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Posted 17 May 2010 - 04:10 PM

Wow, Jerm! I'm so outta the loop! Congrats on your cohabitation! :wub:
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#2084 weener



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Posted 18 May 2010 - 01:28 AM

Can cockroaches usually fly? This one in my house can. Well...could. I finally caught up to it and thwacked it. Gross.
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#2085 jeremx


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Posted 18 May 2010 - 09:58 AM

Can cockroaches usually fly? This one in my house can. Well...could. I finally caught up to it and thwacked it. Gross.

not typically for long distances or anything.. they sometimes climb pretty high and i think to prevent them from hurting themselves if they fall, they can do that flutter wing thing that slows'em down.. definitely looks like they're flying though. in florida they called the bigger ones palmetto bugs.. and they'd fall from palm trees and that flittering noise from the wings buzzing your head would certainly send chills up your spine. blech.. roaches.
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