Posted 22 November 2010 - 01:12 PM
Posted 22 November 2010 - 01:28 PM
Posted 22 November 2010 - 02:13 PM
His abs go down into a V.
Posted 22 November 2010 - 03:33 PM
Did I mention he has a little tattoo there that says something in hebrew?
His abs go down into a V.
I bite it.
Posted 23 November 2010 - 09:56 AM
Posted 17 December 2010 - 10:17 AM
Hey baby, wanna role-play? You be a feminazi and I’ll be Rush Limbaugh
Posted 2 weeks ago
Against my better judgment upon seeing the ‘f’ word, I read your profile in full. I generally eat feminists for breakfast. My favorite meal is a third-wave feminist with a sprinkling of postmodern-pretentiousness (2% caramel version)— quite the delicacy. Anyway, we have absolutely fuck-all in common, I can’t see us ever getting along, and the sex would probably be some sort of power struggle for dominance. I honestly don’t even know why you bother with feminism.
+9 for his favorite meal (would be +10, but there’s no such thing as 2% caramel).
+5 for obviously knowing he would lose the sexual power struggle for dominance
+2 for messaging someone primarily to insult them, with the outside hope that maybe he’ll get laid.
+4 for hating feminists, but still realizing a self-confident lady is probably above-average in bed.
+0 for the clear mutual understanding that he is the worst.
Posted 17 December 2010 - 01:11 PM
Many hot girls don't care much what a guy looks like on the outside. (Some do. Although men are in general more visual, which does not per se indicate superficiality, plenty of women are visual, too -- though sometimes I think they're demanding about a partner's appearance just because they perceive everyone's demanding about theirs, so they conclude it's only fair.)my room mate compared us to cake, only fat ugly girls want us, the hot ones just want a taste and be done with us.
Seriously, even when I was young and thin, a guy's build was not what got me interested, nor was it ever a barrier to considering the possibility of gettin' with somebody. So, you know, don't think about being out of a chick's league so much -- not looks-wise, anyhow.

Posted 17 December 2010 - 02:09 PM
Seriously, even when I was young and thin, a guy's build was not what got me interested, nor was it ever a barrier to considering the possibility of gettin' with somebody. So, you know, don't think about being out of a chick's league so much -- not looks-wise, anyhow.
This. I am VERY rarely attracted to a person just by looking at them. Looks don't compel me in that way. It's one reason I don't gush over movie stars the way many people do. Once I'm interested in a guy as a person, being attracted to him physically follows.
Posted 21 December 2010 - 11:47 AM
she folded my laundry!
like a mom.
not into that at all. de-bonifier.
Posted 21 December 2010 - 12:19 PM
I have dated the same girl for a couple weeks now of OKstupid, and I discovered I am going to have to break it off with this person.
she folded my laundry!
like a mom.
not into that at all. de-bonifier.
Dude! MILF fantasy fulfilled..... without a rugrat. +1!
Bone her while she folds your laundry.
Posted 21 December 2010 - 12:55 PM
I have dated the same girl for a couple weeks now of OKstupid, and I discovered I am going to have to break it off with this person.
she folded my laundry!
like a mom.
not into that at all. de-bonifier.
Dude! MILF fantasy fulfilled..... without a rugrat. +1!
Bone her while she folds your laundry.
unfortunately, I don't have any MILF fantasies. The part that kills me about this is that she is really in shape and has a great body.
seriously though, folding laundry harshes my mellow.
Posted 21 December 2010 - 01:06 PM
The part that kills me about this is that she is really in shape and has a great body. seriously though, folding laundry harshes my mellow.
right now there's a single dude who can't get laid reading this and yelling at the screen, "FUCK YOU MAN! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU!" lol
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