Random facts about yourself.
Posted 12 February 2010 - 02:40 PM
Posted 19 April 2011 - 10:07 AM
I'm 32
I'm 6'4
I manscape (chest & belly)
I've been playing golf since I was 12. At one point (about a year after college) I had a 4 handicap.
I had a kidney stone when I was 26. I would rather die than feel that pain again.
I love reading Stephen King
I cry for hours after watching Fox & the Hound.
I might be eidetic when it comes to movie quotes. I can quote movies to the point where it's ridiculous.
Posted 19 April 2011 - 07:53 PM
- I was on the Wallace and Ladmo show and got a Ladmo bag. I was forced to wear a Hawaiian shirt.
- I was quoted in an issue of EGM (Electronic Gaming Monthly)
- I didn't have my first kiss until I was 16 and from a girl that I met on the internet.
- Incidentally, I also had my first sexual encounter with said girl from the internet.
- My parents put my favorite dog in the pound when he accidentally bit one of my friends. I still haven't forgiven them of that.
- My first concert was a Puff Daddy concert. I'm not proud of that fact.
- I won funniest costume at last year's company Halloween party. I was Placeholder Man #4.
- Also won for best food at said party. They were red velvet cupcakes shaped as bleeding hearts.
Posted 19 April 2011 - 08:12 PM
Pizza and sandwiches make up the base of my food pyramid.
I can hold my pee almost indefinitely.
I can go all day without eating and drinking. I'll usually get a bad headache so I'm trying not to do that.
I used to be able to identify any dog breed on sight. I probably still can.
I have the dewey decimal system pretty much memorized.
You know the idea that if you talk to your plants, they'll grow better? The theory is that it's you exhaling carbon monoxide on them, but some say that playing music or sending them a fax has the same effect, so it's like the plants like to be cared about. I tested this by yelling insults at my mom's healthy houseplant that she had for years. It died after a few months of this.
Posted 19 April 2011 - 10:20 PM
I'm 5'4"... in shoes.
I carry a butterfly knife in my purse on occasion. See previous fact. ^
The first video game I ever beat was Kirby's Adventure on the NES.
I used to work graveyard at a check cashing place. I actually learned how to put on makeup overnight when no customers would come in.
On that note, I have no interest in being a drag queen. Too much work. But I love wigs and foundation so...
I type 90 to 120 WPM and I ten-key by touch. I'm a natural secretary (sadly).
I've been in the same relationship for nine years. I am, as a result, not kosher in the head.
I love anime' but I don't have a particular favorite. I have stand outs that I enjoy, but not one in particular that sticks out.
I HATE my natural hair texture (knappy knappy coarse knappy). I use relaxer kits to make it straight.
My very first arena concert was Muse with Silversun Pickups as the opening act. That was dope.
My dream is to travel. Arizona's fine and all but I've never really been anywhere else.
There's a cat here, where I live. WHY IS THERE A CAT HERE, getting his hairs on all my THINGS?!
...that's all I can think of off the top of my head.
Posted 20 April 2011 - 04:25 AM
Still have 3 credits of "F" in Ceramics, which was way, way too early in the morning for an art class
Worked in 4 different pottery/ceramic shops and owned my own as well. Go figure.
Surprised that I am not the only Eagle Scout here.
Was born without wisdom teeth. I didn't know how awesome that would be until later.
Have never had narcotic painkillers. I'm pretty sure I could show up to the hospital with a bloody stump for a leg and they'd give me Ibuprofen.
Snore. ..apparently.
Can write in cursive both forwards and backwards with both hands, and if I'm writing forward with the left, and backward with the right, I can do it simultaneously.
By the 7th grade could read 690 words a minute. I used to read a paperback novel a day in high school.
There were no blacks or Jews in my hometown. Didn't even meet any until college.
My girlfriend shuttled Ike Turner around in her Cadillac for a week.
I have seen a concert for the deaf.
Posted 20 April 2011 - 12:15 PM
1) I don't drink milk.
2) I (used to) collect stuffed/anything pandas.
3) I went to school with the current drummer of the band "Insite" (which is a famous band from Mexico - Sony music recording band).
4) I used to do/update Uno Menos's official website (another Mexican band that was famous but not a major label recording band).
5) Dave Grohl gave me a "high-five" once.
6) I have been on radio twice, tv twice, and newspaper twice (only two were related - and nothing was for a "bad" thing).
7) I sang "1234" with Cacth 22 on stage @ the mason's jar (and the drummer spit on my face too).
8) I have been in many fights (I have never won any of them).
9) I have three different scars on my right eyebrow (read #8).
10) I hate pickles.
11) I almost got deported once and I've never been illegal in this country.
12) A guy that almost got to be president of Mexico is related to me (not that I remotely even know him but he is like my grandma's cousin's cousin - His last name is my mom's second last name).
13) I gave myself a tattoo (which could probably win the worst tattoo and/or gayest tattoo ever).
I can't think of anything else...
Posted 20 April 2011 - 01:50 PM
I've been to every state in the USA except for Alaska. (Played drums in all of them except Hawaii)
i hate onions, but love Funyuns and Burger King onion rings.
I touched Joan Jett's shoulder in 1984.
I was on a major label for a time and lived off of the band for almost 2 years.
I tried out for a Dischord band (The Holy Rollers) a year after i graduated from high school. I didn't get the gig.
My first punk show was 'Soul Side' at the 9:30 club. I never got to play at the 9:30, something i'm still bummed about.
I've smoked out with Billy from Green Day on multiple occasions.
I can write write cursive forwards with my right hand, and backwards with my left at the same time. (stoked to see that someone else could to that too. Random.)
I banged a girl on the roof of the bathroom in a warehouse that American Steel lived in.
At one time, i had 5 genital piercings. I haven't worn any jewelry since i got married. (except for special occasions)
i pee sitting down. (see previous)
I tried to stab my brother with a pencil when i was about 10 and ended up sticking it in the top of my knee. I still have a grey spot on my knee from the lead.
I was voted "Funkiest White Boy" in my high school by the basketball team. (because i could play public enemy songs on the drums)
I french kissed my friend Matt when i was a kid.
Posted 20 April 2011 - 03:42 PM
My mom was a merch girl for the Dead Milkmen several years ago
I didn't smoke weed until I was 21
My first show was the Aquabats and Tsunami Bomb when I was 12
My first room mate was a 49 year old psychotherapist that constantly tried to analyze me and medicate me
I've never been drunk enough to pee myself
My dad lives with his mom
I never learned how to drive
Posted 21 April 2011 - 02:04 PM
Posted 21 April 2011 - 07:52 PM
What I found funny about this thread is that some are more like "revelations" (AKA Too much info).
Well, how else would me peeing sitting down make any sense?
Posted 22 April 2011 - 08:26 AM
I have a warrent for my arrest in New York
I drink on average 2 pots of coffee a day
My mom is 5 feet tall
I played high school football for one year
Posted 22 April 2011 - 08:38 AM
Posted 22 April 2011 - 01:01 PM
Posted 22 April 2011 - 01:11 PM
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