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#76 MikeyWretch


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Posted 11 February 2010 - 12:55 PM

1) My Step dad was the only black police officer in the town I grew up in.

2) Me and my mom and brother had to go into hiding because we were in danger of being murdered.

3) My hands are very big

4) I have never been baptized

5) I keep a loaded 9mm next to my bed

6) My wife punched the drummer from Nunzilla in the face

7) Im really nice but can be a really immature asshole and never feel bad about it.

8) If I ever kill myself I will do it by pouring gasoline over myself then blasting my face off with a shotgun and I hope the gunfire lights my dead headless body as it drops to the ground. I will do this in a very public place.
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#77 fatguyaz


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Posted 11 February 2010 - 01:04 PM

Oh great. Now, whenever i see a headless burning corpse falling to the ground, i'm going to assume it's you!
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I still don't have a signature.

#78 MikeyWretch


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Posted 11 February 2010 - 01:05 PM

Oh great. Now, whenever i see a headless burning corpse falling to the ground, i'm going to assume it's you!

Maybe off of an overpass!
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#79 Jacki O.

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Posted 11 February 2010 - 01:06 PM

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#80 Jacki O.

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Posted 11 February 2010 - 01:33 PM

i swam competitively for 13 years and was captain of my high school swim team 2 years in a row. Used to practice with the women's Brazilian olympic swim team. i always peed in the pools i swam in. kinda like marking my territory. marking my pools. it made me feel confident to race.

i know the first and last names of all the people i've ever slept with except for one. Ted. that's all i know.

i once told an icelandic guy that i was from Hungary so he would stop hitting on me while at a bar in Barcelona. He then started speaking hungarian to me and i felt stupid for lying to him. then he called me an american pig when he realized i was lying and then i fucked one of his friends later that night (kinda out of spite, but also because the friend was hot). Ted.

im currently working on a case involving the death of a high ranking employee at IBM who managed the PHP and MYSQL departments
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#81 negicore


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Posted 11 February 2010 - 01:45 PM

i once told an icelandic guy that i was from Hungary so he would stop hitting on me while at a bar in Barcelona. He then started speaking hungarian to me and i felt stupid for lying to him. then he called me an american pig when he realized i was lying and then i fucked one of his friends later that night (kinda out of spite, but also because the friend was hot). Ted.

That maybe the raddest thing in this whole thread!
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the next time the star shoots across the sky, I'm gonna grab it, and smash it, under my feet...http://djjohnnyvolume.tumblr.com/

#82 differently biotic

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Posted 11 February 2010 - 01:54 PM

I have never been baptized or involved in any form of religion.
My mother was raised mormon
My dad said he was vegan
My mother only used cloth daipers on me when I was a baby and made my baby food using all organic foods. She also did not breast feed and my formula was soy. I have a theory that is why I have all the digestion problems.
I am physically unable to burp without sticking my fingers down my throat
My kneecaps are slightly in the wrong place
My biceps, wrist, calves and thighs have exact symmetrical measurements however my right boob is slightly fuller than the left and one of my eyes is slightly larger than the other (I forget which one).
I could eat a grilled cheese everyday if I would let myself
Imma stoner
I have a perfect bite
I wanted to be a solid gold dancer when I was a little girl
I am an awesome cook
I love watching food shows, ie top chef, chopped, iron chef america, diner, drive-ins & dives, man v food...
I can eat a whole box of fruity pebbles in one sitting
I have won many eating contest w/ friends at buffets in vegas
I outdrank (alcohol) a dude that is about the size of Mikey
I have flat feet and my dancer callous is located in the middle of the ball of my foot instead of the part under your big toe like most dancers
When I get migraines I go blind
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#83 fatguyaz


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Posted 11 February 2010 - 02:05 PM

I outdrank (alcohol) a dude that is about the size of Mikey

Mikey, i think she just called you FAT?!
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I still don't have a signature.

#84 Guest_viewfinder_*

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Posted 11 February 2010 - 02:15 PM

When I was in fifth grade I won tickets on the radio to see Michael Jackson (well, the Jackson's technically) in Dallas, TX. My parents took my sister and I. It was probably the only concert I've ever attended where I can truly say I've witnessed 'mania'. Girls were crying and talking to Michael like he was right in front of them. It was pretty rad.
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#85 Rial


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Posted 11 February 2010 - 02:21 PM

i have been shaving since the fifth grade

i repeated kindergarten

my name was Daniel for the first week or so of my life, my birth certificate has a strike thru daniel and corey written above it.
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[url="http://saidgun.bandcamp.com/"]SAID GUN[/url]

#86 Guest_viewfinder_*

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Posted 11 February 2010 - 02:24 PM

my birth certificate has a strike thru daniel and corey written above it.

Punk rock.
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#87 differently biotic

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Posted 11 February 2010 - 02:34 PM

I outdrank (alcohol) a dude that is about the size of Mikey

Mikey, i think she just called you FAT?!

nope. Mikey is just hulk size. Have you seen his hands? and he's like what 6'4?
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#88 Guest_viewfinder_*

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Posted 11 February 2010 - 02:37 PM

my second was screeching weasel / queers / recycled thoughts at grinder warehouse

Was this in PHX and is it when something happened that Screeching Weasel wasn't able to play, but were in fact there?
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#89 Dez


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Posted 12 February 2010 - 01:54 PM

I have naturally curly hair and I hate it

I straighten it everyday

If I don't and I wear my hair curly I feel incomplete until I am able to straighten it

My hair's curly today! :angry:

I know its dumb but it really does make me feel like my shit isn't together or someting haha
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#90 mothrock


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Posted 12 February 2010 - 02:35 PM

-I was a machinist for 4 years , I made airplane parts at Honeywell.
-I once threw a fairly large rock at this kid I didn't like, while he was on a swing. what aim I must have had as a young kid. I hit him square in the nose. so much blood. it was awesome. I think I was 4 or 5. probably a good 5-10 lb rock.
-I also put a syrup covered pancake right on this kid's head. I didn't like him either. I didn't even get detention! :D
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you're a signature.

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