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#46 negicore


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Posted 09 February 2010 - 05:57 PM

-almost changed my last name to my moms maiden name since my dad sucked and his whole side of the family has disassociated themselves from us. joe murphy? hmm

Me too! My wife to be wishes I had!
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#47 MrAwesome


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Posted 09 February 2010 - 06:47 PM

-I played saxophone in 4th-12th grade band and got to march in the London New Years Parade in 2005

-I have 30 something aunts and uncles, I don't feel like counting them all and if I tried to I would probably just end up leaving some out.

-This one time me and a friend broke into some guys house at 4 in the morning on accident. He was surprisingly cool about it.

-I do not have a job.

-I saw Ben Stein at PF Changs a few years ago.

-Next year I will be graduating with a history degree. I don't know what i'll do after that.
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#48 Rocquero


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Posted 09 February 2010 - 07:17 PM

i haven't been on a date in over 2 years.

my last relationship lasted for 6 years and was with a girl who is a dolphin trainer at sea world: orlando.

i hate sea world: orlando. (believe it or not, this is unrelated to the previous fact).

i used to have 20/20 vision until a pickup truck hit me in the face when i was 6. it also ripped off the inside of my right foot. my foot looks totally normal now. it grew back. i'm not a doctor; i don't claim to understand it.

when i was a kid, i was climbing a tree and looked down to see a 2 inch wide and 1 inch deep hole in my leg. i didn't feel it happen.

i got hit in the mouth with a scooter when i was 10. it knocked a couple teeth out.

when i was little i was drinking out of a ghostbusters glass. i had recently stopped using sippy-cups, so i would still bite the glass as i drank. i bit off a big piece of the glass and just swallowed it. i was fine.

when i was in high school, i got community service for vandalism. we were at another nearby school for a band competition and me and my friend, brad, took window screens and beat the hell out of each other with them. it was awesome. since they were the property of the school, it was deemed vandalism. i fought with my vice-principal for weeks, arguing that the screens were in the dumpster, so i didn't vandalize any valuable property. she was totally on my side. the best part is i was lying. we took them off the side of the building. :lol: :lol: :lol: :ph34r:
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#49 The Real Jeffrey Lebowski

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Posted 09 February 2010 - 08:06 PM

* I know this many digits of Pi: 3.14159265358979323846264

* I have a wicked turnaround baseline shot (mostly from spending hours and hours trying to emulate Hakeem Olajuwon when I was younger)

* Outside of Star Trek, Ghostbusters and public broadcasting, I pretty much missed the 80s, entertainment-wise. Oh, and David Letterman. I used to tape his Late Night show and watch it the next day. Every day.

* The Howard Stern show is one of my favorite things on Earth. I'm beyond thankful for having lived during his reign. I used to pay my little brother to tape it for me when I was going to summer school.
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#50 bunnyeyes


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Posted 09 February 2010 - 08:51 PM

The first album I ever purchased was Ozzy Osbourne Bark at the Moon when I was 10..........Six years later I met him.

I know how to put up a tee pee.

I can take a hide of an animal and turn it into leather by using said animals brains. (sorry all veggies on the board)

I used to be a co-owner a 30 ft purple school bus.

I was able to work a keg by the age of 5.

I didn't find out my dad died until 2 years after the fact and had to call social security to find out that information.

I have a scar on my thigh from walking into my step mothers cigarette when I was 5.

I can't stand Bob Dylan.
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#51 jeremx


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Posted 10 February 2010 - 08:48 AM

went over this thread again and thought of some other stuff based on other people's stuff...

nearly ever member of my dad's side of the family has worked for bashas.. like 20 of us.

when i was younger, i used to steal football cards on a daily basis. never got caught.

i played saxophone in 4th grade. and only 4th grade. i hated lugging that case around and practicing when i could be goofing off. i pretty much faked my way through every band concert. i regret not taking it seriously.

my first concert was eddie money at the fair with my dad. i also tagged along with my sister and her friend to paula abdul and color me bad because her mom worked for blockbuster and got free tix. first ever intentional concert was stone temple pilots opening for the butthole surfers at mesa amp.

i also snore. and possibly have sleep apnea. gotta get that looked into.

i was accepted into asu's college of education in '96 to become a history teacher. i didn't go. got a job with at&t instead. during the 7yrs i worked there, they paid for me taking every history class mcc had. as well as every class ending in 'ology.

i'm borderline ocd.

in 3rd grade i misspelled "occupation" in the school spelling bee. forgot one of the "c"s. the kid after me got "quarterback." wtf?

i have a deep water phobia. and an even more intense shark phobia.

i've called 911 twice for people having attempted suicide.

i dated a texas stripper for 4yrs. biggest. mistake. ever.

i had a blink 182 fan site on geocities back in '96. it appeared in smug magazine.

my mother's side of the family is from scotland and owns a castle. they lease it to the scottish historical society for the sum of one pound and one bottle of whiskey a year. http://www.castles.o...ine/KISIMUL.HTM

i can wiggle my nose and ears.
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#52 Jacki O.

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Posted 10 February 2010 - 09:23 AM

i used to have 20/20 vision until a pickup truck hit me in the face when i was 6. it also ripped off the inside of my right foot. my foot looks totally normal now. it grew back. i'm not a doctor; i don't claim to understand it.

when i was a kid, i was climbing a tree and looked down to see a 2 inch wide and 1 inch deep hole in my leg. i didn't feel it happen.

i got hit in the mouth with a scooter when i was 10. it knocked a couple teeth out.

when i was little i was drinking out of a ghostbusters glass. i had recently stopped using sippy-cups, so i would still bite the glass as i drank. i bit off a big piece of the glass and just swallowed it. i was fine.

you are immortal!!!


i haven't been on a date in over 2 years.

you need to update your okcupid profile

with the fact that you are immortal
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#53 joe.distort



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Posted 10 February 2010 - 09:53 AM

DUDE i failed a spelling bee in 4th grade because of 'perpendicular' which i probably STILL didnt spell right!
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#54 jeremx


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Posted 10 February 2010 - 10:01 AM

i used to have 20/20 vision until a pickup truck hit me in the face when i was 6. it also ripped off the inside of my right foot. my foot looks totally normal now. it grew back. i'm not a doctor; i don't claim to understand it.

when i was a kid, i was climbing a tree and looked down to see a 2 inch wide and 1 inch deep hole in my leg. i didn't feel it happen.

i got hit in the mouth with a scooter when i was 10. it knocked a couple teeth out.

when i was little i was drinking out of a ghostbusters glass. i had recently stopped using sippy-cups, so i would still bite the glass as i drank. i bit off a big piece of the glass and just swallowed it. i was fine.

you are immortal!!!


i haven't been on a date in over 2 years.

you need to update your okcupid profile

with the fact that you are immortal


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#55 Dez


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Posted 10 February 2010 - 10:16 AM

My Uncle Juan was the art director for channel 5 and I could have been on Wallace and Ladmo as much as I wanted but was always to scared of Gerald when I was little :(

Lived in Anchorage Alaska with my family from the time I was 3-5 yrs old.

I have a heart shaped birth mark below my booty

I’m 5ft ½ an inch

I used to steal my moms car when I was 13 and my cousin and I would drive around the neighborhood and scream real loud in middle of the night past peoples houses

I’m addicted to chicken wings

Was in drama all four years of high school and in one year of college

Even though I have yet to obtain a degree, all my past jobs have led up to a bigger and better pay and I have worked in a variety of industries (ie. registered horses for racing, I’ve done production for a publishing house, photographed and coordinated covers for local magazine/newspaper ads and now somehow am in community management for HOA’s :huh: It’s awful but pays me well and somehow I get a sick satisfaction helping the majority of assholes that call)

I like the smell of my beaus breathe after he smokes a cigarette and his arm pits after he’s been outside all day

When I like a new band or song I play it continuously until the novelty runs its course

I get serious kicks out of surprising loved ones (random visits, helping when in need and its least expected)

I do think Kanye is a lyrical genius!

Was thrown out of a cab my first time being in Chicago and left on the side of the highway because my friend puked in the cab

When I was 24 my girlfriend ditched me the day before we were set out to go on a five day trip to New Orleans and instead of cancelling I said “F it!” didn’t tell anyone she bailed and I went alone. It was my first time traveling alone anywhere and it was the most awesome trip and the most liberating experience as a young lady

While in New Orleans I saw “nutria” fucking scary
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#56 differently biotic

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Posted 10 February 2010 - 10:28 AM

first ever intentional concert was stone temple pilots opening for the butthole surfers at mesa amp.

I was at that concert too! Almost lost a toe nail that night. hahaha
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#57 jeremx


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Posted 10 February 2010 - 10:28 AM

I like the smell of my beaus breathe after he smokes a cigarette and his arm pits after he’s been outside all day

well that explains a lot... lol
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#58 Dez


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Posted 10 February 2010 - 10:31 AM

I like the smell of my beaus breathe after he smokes a cigarette and his arm pits after he’s been outside all day

well that explains a lot... lol

AHAHAH!!! That'll do, Mr. that will do :P
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#59 capharnaum


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Posted 10 February 2010 - 11:06 AM

-i didn't learn english until jr high

-the young and the restless helped in learning english. it was my mom's favorite show

-i occasionally still watch the young and the restless

- i used to deliver medical equipment for hospice patients and pick it up after they died. sometimes they died in my presence.
i will never forget the daily smell of death.

-half of my two front teeth are fake due to a horrific incident, i fell in a hole when i was younger
and since it was winter the edge was pure ice. my bottom teeth suckerpunched my front teeth. front teeth lost.

-once peed in my goalie gear during a hockey game when i was young, kinda hard to hide yellow ice

-should have and almost did get my ass kicked by josh hommes while on tour with EODM for initially
refusing to give him a cigarette he bummed off of me. i was homeless and broke, he was a millionaire.

-my kid has mosaic form of down syndrome, celiac disease, hypothyroidism, serious developmental and speech delays
and is only a test away from getting an autism diagnosis. i spend the majority of my free time taking/assisting her to countless
therapies, doctors, evaluations, clinics.

-even though i work as a chef i thoroughly enjoy taco bell and other assorted fast food joints

-i got married in vegas at the little white wedding chapel (my choice, i wanted the britney spears chapel)
6 weeks after hooking up with my wife, that was 6 years ago this april.
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#60 Jacki O.

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Posted 10 February 2010 - 12:40 PM

-i got married in vegas at the little white wedding chapel (my choice, i wanted the britney spears chapel)
6 weeks after hooking up with my wife, that was 6 years ago this april.

so many awesome facts but this is the awesome-est
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