So I don't go to strip clubs but my wife digs them and a couple friends wanted to go to one in AJ that a girl we went to High school with worked at. So I went. We get there and just start pounding drinks. My wife gets like 2 lap dances and then the girl we know does her thing and then she is off and offers to take us to have drinks at a bar down the road and she was going to pay for everything! We go and her and my wife are bro-ing out hard and just slamming drinks. My wife is wasted and tried to get on to a bar stool and instead knocks it over. Across the room this group of girls starts laughing and one says "you dropped your seat bitch" The stripper friend of ours says " fuck you and the girl that said it comes over and gets in her face. My wife then says something like shut the fuck up or something and the big mouthed girl comes walking up to her and like puts her finger in my wife's face and thinks that she is going to yell in her face. My wife doesn't say anything after that and just hits her in the face ALOT! Ear rings and flip flops and cell phones go everywhere and I have to drag my wife out the back door of the bar and take her home. The next day she was mad that she lost her flip flops and didn't remember any of it.
Nattie is like this red bull sized can of whoop ass that you are all like "no, it's ok man, you open it" and your friend is all like "nah, man. YOU open it".
Then you take the can out to a nice burrito dinner and drink your vodka neat, like a good Ruskie and are careful not to shake it up too much. Ice is ok though