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What grinds my gears!

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#181 Quezo


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Posted 18 October 2010 - 03:48 PM

what drives me up a wall: People who JUST WON'T BELIEVE I'M ALERGIC TO DAIRY.

You think it's funny to sneak regular milk into my coffee, or try and fake me out w/ your cake frosting.
Guess what, I'm gunna sneak into your house and have diarrihea in your bed.

fuck you.

also, I can make a vegan mac & cheese that you'd paa up any fast food for.

I would like to try that sir.

The, uh, mac and cheese.

I'll pass on the diarrhea bed
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#182 bob


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Posted 18 October 2010 - 04:17 PM

also, I can make a vegan mac & cheese that you'd paa up any fast food for.

best cheesecake i ever had to this day was vegan.
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#183 The Real Jeffrey Lebowski

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Posted 26 October 2010 - 04:01 PM

When people at work burn popcorn
When people at work make popcorn perfectly and don't offer me some
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#184 Tender Lad

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Posted 26 October 2010 - 04:03 PM

When people at work burn popcorn
When people at work make popcorn perfectly and don't offer me some

When anyone makes popcorn (burned or perfect) and it stinks the whole fuckin' joint up. Hate that shit.
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#185 negicore


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Posted 26 October 2010 - 04:30 PM

When people buy Bad Religion tickets, and I tell them to get here early so to see Off With Their Heads, and they saw they won't cause they've never heard of them....
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#186 bunnyeyes


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Posted 26 October 2010 - 04:38 PM

When people at work burn popcorn
When people at work make popcorn perfectly and don't offer me some

When anyone makes popcorn (burned or perfect) and it stinks the whole fuckin' joint up. Hate that shit.

I just learned at a floor warden meeting at my building that burnt popcorn is the cause for fire alarms 95% of the time. Some buildings don't even allow you to have microwave popcorn anymore.
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#187 JRC


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Posted 27 October 2010 - 08:56 AM

the stupid belief that if you don't vote you're not allowed to have an opionion or a voice in this country.
This isn't the pepsi challenge, I should have a helluva lot more choices.

That's like saying you only have a choice to get beaten to death or shot in the head.
fuck you.
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#188 Tony


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Posted 27 October 2010 - 09:10 AM

the stupid belief that if you don't vote you're not allowed to have an opionion or a voice in this country.
This isn't the pepsi challenge, I should have a helluva lot more choices.

That's like saying you only have a choice to get beaten to death or shot in the head.
fuck you.

well? don't leave us hanging, JRC. would you rather get beaten to death or shot in the head?

oh, and i'd also like to give a pre-emptive gear grinding shout out: next wednesday, i'm going hate hearing all the "america has spoken!" bullshit when some hyperconservative nutbag beats the liberal media candidate in whatever election they happen to win.
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#189 The Real Jeffrey Lebowski

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Posted 27 October 2010 - 11:17 AM

Internet Explorer 6
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#190 Jacki O.

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Posted 27 October 2010 - 11:26 AM


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#191 skeksis


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Posted 27 October 2010 - 12:10 PM

highly resistant dissertation committee members... argh!
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#192 jeremx


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Posted 27 October 2010 - 12:16 PM

eating from the veggie tray at this work potluck. :angry:
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#193 JRC


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Posted 27 October 2010 - 02:24 PM

the stupid belief that if you don't vote you're not allowed to have an opionion or a voice in this country.
This isn't the pepsi challenge, I should have a helluva lot more choices.

That's like saying you only have a choice to get beaten to death or shot in the head.
fuck you.

well? don't leave us hanging, JRC. would you rather get beaten to death or shot in the head?

oh, and i'd also like to give a pre-emptive gear grinding shout out: next wednesday, i'm going hate hearing all the "america has spoken!" bullshit when some hyperconservative nutbag beats the liberal media candidate in whatever election they happen to win.

Depends on who's doing the beating! :ph34r: :D
Otherwise, shot in the back of the head while Bill O'Rielly and [insert annoying liberal here] are sitting, looking at my face, close enought to get covered w/ my brains--cuz they could both use some.
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#194 JJames


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Posted 27 October 2010 - 09:01 PM

mainly that Rosie Riveter image at the start of it, I heard Jacki mention it but never saw it until now

fucking weak
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#195 JRC


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Posted 28 October 2010 - 10:26 AM

mainly that Rosie Riveter image at the start of it, I heard Jacki mention it but never saw it until now

fucking weak

Ya, that pisses me off to no end.
Sadly, thinking about it, they chose the perfect image to court followers.
It'll resonate well w/ the olders from WW2 who think we're in a holy war w/ islam.

what drives me up a wall: People who JUST WON'T BELIEVE I'M ALERGIC TO DAIRY.

You think it's funny to sneak regular milk into my coffee, or try and fake me out w/ your cake frosting.
Guess what, I'm gunna sneak into your house and have diarrihea in your bed.

fuck you.

also, I can make a vegan mac & cheese that you'd paa up any fast food for.

I would like to try that sir.

The, uh, mac and cheese.

I'll pass on the diarrhea bed

I sometimes make the M&C for parties.
If I go to any of the shizz holiday things and bring it, I'll post in advance.
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