What grinds my gears!
Posted 18 October 2010 - 01:27 PM
**as long as those beliefs don't harm anyone.
Posted 18 October 2010 - 01:30 PM
I don't have a religion although I'm tolerant of other peoples' beliefs as long they don't try to force it on me.
**as long as those beliefs don't harm anyone or make it so we have to accommodate some weird dietary bullshit.
My thesis is called the "Black-Emperor-Says Theory" and holds that any any Phoenix-area indie rock festival there is a 100 percent probability that Emperors of Japan, Black Carl, and/or What Laura Says will be on the bill.
- Martin Shizzmore
Posted 18 October 2010 - 01:39 PM
you know what grinds my gears is when i play basketball at the park and i make a shot and get STUFFED it is the worst feeling ever. plus im short so it happens alot
Posted 18 October 2010 - 01:40 PM
I'm sure there are procedures to remove the bullet.plus im shot so it happens alot

Posted 18 October 2010 - 01:46 PM
as for what grinds my gears: astrology. as if everybody born in the same month are similar (or have sex the same) because of some sign humans assigned to a random grouping of stars. not that the universe doesn't have things to tell us about our lives on this planet or whatever, but gimmee a break. besides, i'm a scorpio, and everyone knows that's the best sign. duh.
Posted 18 October 2010 - 01:47 PM
fixedI'm sure there are procedures to remove the bullet.
plus im shot so it happens alot
although being shot would hurt my game even more
I bet ron artest has been shot while playing bball
Posted 18 October 2010 - 02:09 PM
This food incompatibility debate is hot, and sometimes a little of this grinds on my gears. A little.
For instance, I can get with the having acceptance/tolerance of Vegetarian/Vegan eaters in a workplace.
I plain just makes sense to go with the majority and if there are special circumstances, then those
are taken into account. We have lots of meat eaters here, and even when we do have potlucks and I
bring in something that is healthy/vegan/veg, it's rare that it is finished. Doesn't make sense that the
people who'd rather have wings would eat a salad? Not likely.
Ok, so what actually grinds my gears a little is when I ask a vegan friend where they would like to
go eat (when there are plans to meet up and have dinner) and they say:
"Doesn't matter, I can find something wherever we go."
No. no you cannot. It almost makes me want to go to a place that I know the menus are made from
pressed smoked chickens and the water has fish pulp in it. Only certain non-vegan restaurants have
vegetarian choices, which are not often a choice someone who is vegan could eat.
There are very few truly vegan friendly (and trustworthy) eateries in this town, now choose one and let's eat!
One more thing:
I guess I do not understand being Vegetarian for reasons of animal cruelty and abuse.
Vegan I completely understand, no animal products whatsoever.
But Vegetarian? The animals (in many cases) that provide eggs and cheese to us can be in just as
traumatic circumstances as those used for food, and for longer periods of time. The salmonella outbreak
recently came from where? An egg farm. I was repulsed when they were describing the conditions on
NPR, I didn't even have to see pics. Gross.
PFFT. Cheese pizza.
Now, the Berkley from ZPizza, there's a pie I would fight a meat eater for. Just sayin.
Posted 18 October 2010 - 02:14 PM
Posted 18 October 2010 - 02:27 PM
potlucks here at my work - the stuff I make (veggie/vegan dishes) gets dominated until nothing is left.
i don't understand where you work, because that has never happened in any environment i've ever been in. ever. work or otherwise. i'm not saying i don't get it because i'm a meat eater and i can't wrap my brain around the concept of a delicious vegetarian dish (i can). i'm saying that in every scenario i've ever been involved in, meat gets consumed before vegetables. period. you're either the greatest vegan cook in the world, or people are lying to you about being meat eaters. i don't see any middle ground here.
My thesis is called the "Black-Emperor-Says Theory" and holds that any any Phoenix-area indie rock festival there is a 100 percent probability that Emperors of Japan, Black Carl, and/or What Laura Says will be on the bill.
- Martin Shizzmore
Posted 18 October 2010 - 02:29 PM
and the meat - always a ton of left overs.
Posted 18 October 2010 - 02:30 PM
you're either the greatest vegan cook in the world, or people are lying to you about being meat eaters. i don't see any middle ground here.
there's only one way to solve this. tia, you need to cook up about 10 veggie/vegan dishes that can accommodate about 30 visitors and have a party. oh, and provide booze.

Temporary forum for Azpunk.com message board folks = www.azpwithdrawal.com
Posted 18 October 2010 - 03:07 PM
I rarely post here, though not for lack of content.
This food incompatibility debate is hot, and sometimes a little of this grinds on my gears. A little.
For instance, I can get with the having acceptance/tolerance of Vegetarian/Vegan eaters in a workplace.
I plain just makes sense to go with the majority and if there are special circumstances, then those
are taken into account. We have lots of meat eaters here, and even when we do have potlucks and I
bring in something that is healthy/vegan/veg, it's rare that it is finished. Doesn't make sense that the
people who'd rather have wings would eat a salad? Not likely.
Ok, so what actually grinds my gears a little is when I ask a vegan friend where they would like to
go eat (when there are plans to meet up and have dinner) and they say:
"Doesn't matter, I can find something wherever we go."
No. no you cannot. It almost makes me want to go to a place that I know the menus are made from
pressed smoked chickens and the water has fish pulp in it. Only certain non-vegan restaurants have
vegetarian choices, which are not often a choice someone who is vegan could eat.
There are very few truly vegan friendly (and trustworthy) eateries in this town, now choose one and let's eat!
One more thing:
I guess I do not understand being Vegetarian for reasons of animal cruelty and abuse.
Vegan I completely understand, no animal products whatsoever.
But Vegetarian? The animals (in many cases) that provide eggs and cheese to us can be in just as
traumatic circumstances as those used for food, and for longer periods of time. The salmonella outbreak
recently came from where? An egg farm. I was repulsed when they were describing the conditions on
NPR, I didn't even have to see pics. Gross.
PFFT. Cheese pizza.
Now, the Berkley from ZPizza, there's a pie I would fight a meat eater for. Just sayin.
i can only answer for myself here. i was vegan for over ten years and gave up, basically because cheese is good. not that conditions in the industry have changed, but my impact on that industry has not. i have no impact. making some food server that makes less than minimum wage return my food because it has cheese melted on it got old. as far as the vegan police are concerned, it's a cop out. for me, it was the only way i could enjoy eating out (eating at home was always more than fine) and being pleasant company and not losing my mind.
cheese and eggs and milk and whatever don't have to be obtained in a way that is cruel to animals. them being so is not my fault and i'm not going to feel guilty anymore for eating foods that are delicious. i'm going to be a happy human being and be thankful for any food that crosses my lips. that would include meat if i chose to partake. i do not.
meat, to me, is gross. carcass, however well done, and spiced is not appealing to me. it's totally personal. if i was starving, would i, blah blah blah? of course, i would. hell, if i killed the animal myself, i would eat it. but i know that i could not kill an animal, unless there was absolutely no choice, him or me, and so i choose to abstain. i have no problem milking an animal or harvesting eggs. i feel like i could have a totally happy relationship with an animal and still benefit from her marvelous bounty. and it's totally normal and healthy for humans to eat meat in healthy amounts. i pass no judgment on people that do so. i hope they have a fantastic meal. and kudos to any vegans and vegetarians out there. that's awesome. now keep your diet choices out of my face, as much as possible, and i'll do the same.
i do like the local food movement. i try not to support large corporations that make animals' lives, humans included, miserable. i fail over and over again.
Posted 18 October 2010 - 03:21 PM
It's the self righteous vegetarians who go to protests and then eat an egg and chees burrito at Fili's
does not compute.
I mostly eat eggs from a friend's coop, cuz that egg thing I heard was weak. I feel best about those.
And I know eggs and milk can be procured harmlessly, though a majority of the time they are not.
Posted 18 October 2010 - 03:22 PM
Cheese is the shiznit but i like rocking vegan food when possible (never really is)
ps the pizza thing only grinds my gears because they get to have two peices of pizza and i get none because they get to the pizza first and eat up all the veg options. also if anyone asks around for if they want pepperoni or cheese its always all pepperoni and no cheese but then they eat all the veg stuff when its there. I guess i should just be quicker on the draw.
Posted 18 October 2010 - 03:43 PM
You think it's funny to sneak regular milk into my coffee, or try and fake me out w/ your cake frosting.
Guess what, I'm gunna sneak into your house and have diarrihea in your bed.
fuck you.
also, I can make a vegan mac & cheese that you'd paa up any fast food for.
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