What grinds my gears!
Posted 18 October 2010 - 11:27 AM
All that person just did was make sure I never make an exception for them ever. ever.
Posted 18 October 2010 - 12:02 PM
at work for a meeting or anything like hat they will order like 3 meat pizzas and one cheese. All the meat eaters will be all like "fux yeah cheese pizza is the bomb imma eat a cheese slice on top of meat slice!" then i get no pizza and NO i will not "pick off" the meat you stupid fuckers
as a meat eater, this doesn't even make sense. that's half-assed carnivore-ism. you should call them out on that shit.
My thesis is called the "Black-Emperor-Says Theory" and holds that any any Phoenix-area indie rock festival there is a 100 percent probability that Emperors of Japan, Black Carl, and/or What Laura Says will be on the bill.
- Martin Shizzmore
Posted 18 October 2010 - 12:08 PM
at work for a meeting or anything like hat they will order like 3 meat pizzas and one cheese. All the meat eaters will be all like "fux yeah cheese pizza is the bomb imma eat a cheese slice on top of meat slice!" then i get no pizza and NO i will not "pick off" the meat you stupid fuckers
so let me get this straight: it really grinds your gears that it doesn't always go perfectly when you impose your irrational food preferences on your co-workers? sounds effing miserable :-)
not that I mean to judge you for going vegetarian, the self control involved is impressive - but it grinds my gears when folks pretend that it's a 'natural' thing... I mean - you don't (typically) get to pick your gender, disabilities, orientation, ancestry... but it's not a human/civil rights thing if you're picky about what you eat. why should the rest of us be obligated to humor you? I don't like pizza with red sauce - and while I'd appreciate a pesto or white pizza, no one's falling over themselves to make sure I have that option at every public meal. Ugh.
Posted 18 October 2010 - 12:17 PM
Especially if your diet is ruled by your religion too.
Posted 18 October 2010 - 12:19 PM
Posted 18 October 2010 - 12:23 PM
Temporary forum for Azpunk.com message board folks = www.azpwithdrawal.com
Posted 18 October 2010 - 12:29 PM
Especially if your diet is ruled by your religion too.
Religions tend to have a lot of things to say about womens' rights (or lack thereof) - but it's not generally considered close-minded to disagree with things like genital mutilation or right-to-life attitudes.
Not saying you're totally wrong, but your argument isn't very strong.
Posted 18 October 2010 - 12:39 PM
Posted 18 October 2010 - 12:41 PM
Sorry, you lost me there. But meat eaters who crap all over vegetarians have been grinding my gears since I gave up meat at 12.
Posted 18 October 2010 - 12:48 PM
So, it's not impolite for meat eaters to hog all the cheese pizza, leaving vegetarians nothing they can eat...because being vegetarian is irrational and not a valid choice?
Sorry, you lost me there. But meat eaters who crap all over vegetarians have been grinding my gears since I gave up meat at 12.
So let's say I'm a meat-eater who just isn't into pepperoni (greasy and besides processed meats give you cancer)... and opt for the cheese pizza. Yet I'm impolite because your tastes are more valid than mine?
and "nothing they can eat" is a little unfair. calories are calories. what you choose to eat is up to you, regardless of whether or not I think it's a valid choice.
Posted 18 October 2010 - 01:02 PM
Posted 18 October 2010 - 01:07 PM
Temporary forum for Azpunk.com message board folks = www.azpwithdrawal.com
Posted 18 October 2010 - 01:17 PM
Posted 18 October 2010 - 01:18 PM
Posted 18 October 2010 - 01:25 PM
Especially if your diet is ruled by your religion too.
your religion can go fuck itself.
that's a general statement - nothing aimed at you specifically. and not even related to dietary issues.
let's add that to the list of things that grind my gears:
religion as justification for ANYTHING.
edit- even though i agree with weener's point that some people simply can't eat meat - especially if they've been off it for too long, i'm reminded of the food chain:

My thesis is called the "Black-Emperor-Says Theory" and holds that any any Phoenix-area indie rock festival there is a 100 percent probability that Emperors of Japan, Black Carl, and/or What Laura Says will be on the bill.
- Martin Shizzmore
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