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sexual astrology

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#61 Dez


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Posted 21 October 2010 - 11:07 AM

Virgo dude and Pisces lady, pwease!

It probably says we F like bunnies!!! mwhahahaha!

here's the match up from the book:

Pisces and Virgo:
Overly affectionate Pisces does not get much satisfaction from reserved Virgo. Virgo resists Pisces's excessive sexual demands and turns hypercritical and faultfinding. There are other problems too. Practical, logical Virgo won't indulge Pisces's extravagant tastes or put up with its emotional waywardness. Virgo will make plans while Pisces acts on the spur of the moment - then changes its mind. A quarrelsome affair, a joyless marriage.

hahaha sad! I must have a virgo/cancer hybrid, thankfully. He too is a master at clitoral stimulation :D I couldn't get get down or co-habit with him any other way. Heh!
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#62 Ninja Guitar

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Posted 21 October 2010 - 01:12 PM

Hmm....this is a rather interesting thread. What does it say about evil Geminis? HAHA! :ph34r:
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#63 Jacki O.

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Posted 21 October 2010 - 01:20 PM

Hmm....this is a rather interesting thread. What does it say about evil Geminis? HAHA! :ph34r:

male or female?
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#64 OptimusFunk


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Posted 21 October 2010 - 05:14 PM

Hmm....this is a rather interesting thread. What does it say about evil Geminis? HAHA! :ph34r:

male or female?

Neither sex just, Evil. ;)
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#65 toadette


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Posted 21 October 2010 - 05:23 PM

Libra Lady:

Women born under this sign are noted for their beauty and delicate complexion and for a deep aversion to what is unattractive. She has an instinct for the finer things. She is fastidious in manner and dress. She admires beauty in all its manifestations, in music, art, architecture, and people.

She sees herself as if she were reflected on a screen where she can watch her movements and appreciate her graceful loveliness. However, she is not uncritical. She expects her image to measure up to high standards and will make what corrections are necessary. Small wonder that Libra women are considered the epitome of charm.

Her tendency toward fickleness cannot be denied. She tries to lure any attractive male she meets, but she will soon move on to a new conquest. She can forget quicker than a mirror.

Because Venus rules her Sun sign, the Libran woman is skilled in the arts of love, however, don't forget her aversion to whatever she considers unattractive.

The Libra female tends to prefer the artistic type rather than the commercial.
Chiefly she wants to be admired. She may need a man around to keep laving her ego, but her focus is on herself.
When things don't go her way she can turn petty and carping. She expects perfection. In her opinion money is for spending and buying, not for talking about.

She likes reading pleasant books, seeing movies with happy endings, living in rooms filled with flowers, and listening to soothing music. Her euphoric moods are compensated for by "downers" in which she finds a cloud in every silver lining.

Don't try to give her orders, she won't obey them. If you persist you will simply uncover her deep strain of stubborness. Extremely feminine, she is also clever, articulate, and a hypochondriac. When her sign is afflicted she can be indecisive to a point where she sits passively waiting for guidance. She is a fascinating, many-sided, conscious charmer.

Her Sex Life:
The key word is drama. Libra women enjoy watching the reactions of their lovers. She prefers a languorous approach including all the preliminaries plus verbal. She understand that seduction is an art and not a physical assault.
Because she is sure of her sexuality, she will often try to emphasize it and be provocative in unexpected ways.
Women born under this sign have unusual control of their vaginal muscles. They can constrict and close to hold a male fast in her clutches.
She loves to sleep and she happens to like cleanliness too.
If you coat your penis with honey she'll like the taste sensation.

One warning: during oral sex, keep your hands off her hair. She is extra sensitive to any pulling on her head.
Never be animalistic. Her body may seek excess but her mind demands moderation.
She dotes on her body and appreciates her beauty.
She is frequently a favorite with fetishist males, particularly for the variety known as partialism, in which there is a fixation on a single part of the body.
A Libra woman may stuff a scarf in the anus of her lover and slowly pull it out during climax.

HOLY CRAP!!! Except for the scarf in the anus part, that is pretty spot on!! GET OUT OF MY MIND!!
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God is a comedian with an audience too afraid to laugh

i don't care either way. male or female, you're a professional so grip these nuts and tell me they're okay. thanks.

#66 Jadbgjoka


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Posted 21 October 2010 - 06:36 PM

If beth ever asks, "hey, can I shove my pelvic bone up against your anus" I will consider it.


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#67 Ninja Guitar

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Posted 21 October 2010 - 07:00 PM

Hmm....this is a rather interesting thread. What does it say about evil Geminis? HAHA! :ph34r:

male or female?

Male, if you don't mind :)

Hmm....this is a rather interesting thread. What does it say about evil Geminis? HAHA! :ph34r:

male or female?

Neither sex just, Evil. ;)

HA! Funny
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#68 Rocquero


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Posted 22 October 2010 - 07:07 AM

Aquarius Dude:

Don't ask him to conform, he can't.

that's us, alright.
Posted ImageQUARIUS
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#69 Mary


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Posted 22 October 2010 - 10:08 AM

Her home looks as though no one has lived in it

. . . since the hoarder died there four years ago.
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#70 jeremx


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Posted 22 October 2010 - 10:11 AM

Her home looks as though no one has lived in it

. . . since the hoarder died there four years ago.

after having seen a few episodes of that hoarders show, i can't wait to see what southpark does with it. actually, that might have been this past wednesday's episode. gotta check on that.
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#71 Jacki O.

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Posted 22 October 2010 - 10:26 AM

Gemini Dude:

He is always in transit - from one place to another, one person to another, one vocation to another. Restless, nervous, he is not content to live one day at a time, but will try to compress a week or a month into a day and to live on several different levels at once.

Whatever he is doing at the moment, he yearns to do something else. He thrives on contradictions. You can't even be sure when he likes you, for his mode of expression is always so contradictory. If he doesn't seem to know you are alive, he's probably intensely aware of your existence. If he is overly solicitous and attentive, he probably couldn't care less. Whatever his feeling, his first instinct is to camouflage it.

He can't stand schedules. He wont be a prisoner of the clock.

He is unusually intelligent and has a clever gift of gab. He will juggle several topics, keeping them all in the air at the same time.

Don't try to win a verbal battle with him. His highly articulate and words are weapons he can wield with devastating effect.

He is free flowing, spontaneous, and highly volatile. This gives an impression of electric magnetism rahter than a lack of control.

He is a fascinating, many-sided intellectual man, constantly and almost painfully aware of how people react to him.

His enthusiasm results in his tackling to many enterprises and spreading himself too thin. He will display great initiative in launching a project. The problem is to keep on course.

He doesn't react well to failure. He is all too eager to blame himself to trigger depressed emotions in which the failure confirms his secret feeling of inadequacy. However these moods don't last long.

He's interested in games, hobbies, and all manner of diversion. He loves to travel. He is a hard worker, but only for a short stretch.

He needs frequent intervals, vacations, breaks in routine. Fundamentally he is much more interested hobbies and recreation than in work of any kind.

He loves being in love and will try to get it where he can find it. But he also seeks his freedom and will not submerge his ego to please any woman. He is also easily bored by routine and when subjected to it is likely to become hostile and seek out quarrels. He always must establish his intellectual superiority. If a woman accepts this too easily he will be frustrated. There has to be some resistance , some protest or struggle.

His best role in business is a troubleshooter or business consultant, where the steady stream of new problems will keep him engrossed and he won't have to bother himself with seeing to his orders are carried out. Gemini males like to plan the strategy and leave the day-to-day tactics to others.

He has difficulty holding on to money. Possessions slip through is grasp. When he has too much money, he is uncomfortable and tries rid himself of it. He finds security only in insecurity.

Many people think he has captured the spirit of youth, with its endless vitality, curiosity, and love of fun. He is called the Peter Pan of the zodiac because he never seems to grow up.

His emotions are often shallow. The future with him is uncertain; the present is undeniably fun.

His Sex Life:
You wont find him breathing heavily. He isn't demanding or passionate. He plays a dual role - the one making love and the one watching, participant and voyeur. If he chooses, he can work any partner into the mood, for he knows exactly how to evoke the right response.
The idea rather than the act attracts him; not so much the pleasure derived from sexual activity as what psychologists call apperception - the ability to perceive how he is perceiving, thus while doing, he is also satisfying his inquisitiveness as to how it is being done. He is always both the doer and the onlooker.

He prefers sex with the lights on and one of his favorite stimuli is to have mirrors set up so he can see the action. Gemini males particularly like to screen stag movies while copulating. He will then either emulate the action on the screen or experiment with his partner in an attempt to go beyond it.

He warms up gradually. Cunnilingus isn't his specialty or his forte, and he isn't turned on fellatio, but he enjoys the other preliminaries.
Coitus is likely to be fast and furious. Gemini, even when he has had what he wants is two minds as to whether it was really worthwhile.

He likes make love just about anywhere and is glib enough to talk his way into almost any woman's bed. But his performance rating only fair, for he tends to be more interested in satisfying himself, or his curiosity than his partner. Not too many woman complain, even if they sometimes suspect they are mere grist to the mill of experience for he is more than adequate in the areas of lovemaking that are so often neglected by other males. He tells a woman exactly what she wants to hear, creates a special aura of excitement and romance and that, more than sheer physical excitement makes her look forward to a return match.

Group sex is a particular favorite, including bisexuality for he enjoys the multiple and varied opportunities it affords. A favorite variant is for him to make love to one partner while another masturbates in front him.

Gemini is intrigued by gadgets. He will experiment with hard-on pills, penis extenders, sprays to deaden nerves and delay ejaculation and so called orgy oils.
Because he is pulled in two directions (the sign of the twins) he has a tendency towards bisexuality. Some, while retaining their heterosexual status, become transvestites, satisfying their duality of desire by wearing woman's clothes and makeup.
His quest for more and more unusual forms of gratification inclines him toward violent forms of sadism in which there is always a clearly delineated master and slave relationship. Male Gemini is strongly attracted to prostitutes of the cheapest kind, who will do anything to satisfy a customer's bizarre taste for experimentation.
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#72 Ninja Guitar

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Posted 22 October 2010 - 10:53 AM


Thanks Jacki....I think. HAHA! ;)
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