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#1 Jacki O.

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Posted 15 October 2010 - 01:54 PM

i got a book from 1976. tell me your sign and i'll tell you if you like it in the butt.

i've been looking up the signs of some of the men (that i can remember, heyo!) who have been in my vagina.

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#2 MikeyWretch


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Posted 15 October 2010 - 01:57 PM

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#3 Jacki O.

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Posted 15 October 2010 - 02:04 PM

Mikey likes it in the butt. Plain and simple.

I'm a Leo

She is always on display - a beautiful jewel in a shop window. To her nothing is more important than that men admire and desire her. Her own feelings do not always have to be involved. In a sense, she offers sex for sale, but her payment is only the satisfaction of knowing how dearly she is prized.

She not only has to be important to her mate, she has to be the one and only. That limitation, however, does not apply to her. She wants to be free to roam at will and find her prey.
She likes people but is self-centered. She is domineering but dignified, vain but kind - a creature of contradictions who sees other people's problems only in relation to herself (so fucking true).

If a love affair becomes too comfortable she is likely to become lazy and take her bedroom activities for granted. As a result, the fire she ignited in a lover often burns out and without the necessary fuel of his admiration, her own sexual desires slowly fade away.

She believes she's too idealistic and that is why she's destined for disappointment. The truth is that she tends to love the "wrong" person, or to turn off "Mr. Right" by her unwise and overly demanding lovemaking.

She has a fine sense of humor and the best way to get a point across to her is to put it in a way that will make her laugh. When she decides to play the clown herself, she can do it delightfully, for she has real flair for broad slapstick.
She yearns toward the romantic places on travel posters. Anything routine bores her.

Her Sex Life:
Her attitude is best described as sleek, lascivious, enticing - and lazy. She is rarely moody, even when in love. Her basic disposition is optimistic, cheerful and introspection is not for her. She expects to be praised for her sexual prowess. In the sex act she tries to dominate but will usually settle for an equal partnership. Because Leo resents having to live in a man's world, she often assumes his role in the sex act. She's the kind who will wear a dildo and force him to bend over before her so she can penetrate him anally. (hahaahaha! yes)

1976 people

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#4 differently biotic

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Posted 15 October 2010 - 02:06 PM


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#5 LuketheXjesse


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Posted 15 October 2010 - 02:07 PM

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#6 mancopter



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Posted 15 October 2010 - 02:11 PM

Leo. But a dude.
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#7 Jacki O.

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Posted 15 October 2010 - 02:21 PM

Scorpio Woman:

She could write a book about how to walk and talk and look - when enticing a man. This smoldering voluptuary swells in the valley of her desires and is dedicated to the satisfaction of her body's yearings. Only a low-sexed male fails to respond to the slumbering passion in her eyes and voice.
When she meets an attractive man, she knows just how to cut him out of the herd, and it isn't long before he is too dazzled to notice any other woman.
She resents a stingy escort. Wherever she goes she likes to travel first class. She has enough energy for several woman and she likes to work and play hard.

She takes love seriously. She is a creature of her passions. Her passion for life exists independent of any man. This makes her irresistable to men who would like to subdue her and make her dependent.

In the bedroom she is demanding and her standards of performance are hard for many men to meet. She is simply doing what's necessary to help him satisfy her.

She has a shrewd mind and is gifted with remarkable intuition. She sees deep into other people's motivations while remaining impenetrable to their probings.

She is stubborn about getting her way and she has the patience and ability to dissimulate to achieve her goals.

Hell hath no fury like a Scorpio scorned. If frustrated she can become vengeful and destructive.

She is deeply emotional, highly sensitive, and fiercely loyal. She will make great sacrifices for anyone who really engages her affections.
Scorpio is the most extreme sign of the zodiac, she's a formidable woman.

Her Sex Life:
She's an activist in the bedroom. She will do anything to make the night memorable. Erotic, demanding, she requires a mate of equal and/or complete fulfillment. Her behavior is guided by instinct. The clinical route will not work with her.

Scorpio may look like the perfect lady on the outside but she will dress, and behave like an abandoned whore in the privacy of the bedroom. When a man interests her she will pursue him with determination and guile and she never takes no for an answer.

She wants more than you have to give and has ways of making you give more. Sex is another expression of the master-slave relationship and she must always be the master.
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#8 differently biotic

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Posted 15 October 2010 - 02:25 PM

holy hell that's pretty damn accurate. ha!
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#9 Jacki O.

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Posted 15 October 2010 - 02:40 PM

Cancer dude:
You won't read him like an open book, for he shows an opaque side to strangers. There are some secrets he never reveals, even to his closest friends.
He is restless, prone to brooding, idealistic, a daydreamer who is also very sentimental. He has marvelous emotional highs and abysmal lows.

At first meeting he may appear to be fickle and flirtatious - but that's only one of his moods. After you get to know him you may still find his swift alternation of moods bewildering.

He is courteous and gallant, a charmer of the old school. He loves the company of beautiful women -especially if they are witty conversationalists. When he has wooed an attractive woman he quickly becomes possesive. The woman he loves has difficulty living up to his expectations. He tends to sulk and withdraw into his shell when disappointed rather tahn say openly what is bothering him.

He enjoys good food and drink but don't expect him to dress up. He could care less about clothing. His fantastic memory and nearly total recall stand him in excellent stead in discussion and argument. He has firm convictions.
He is sensitive, insecure and very sentimental. He will keep a friend forever. He resists and fears change in his life. He always needs reassurance of your love.

Dont look for a once-over-lightly romance with this man. He takes love seriously. The pleasures of the hearth and home are best for him. Cancer males look for long term or permanent relationships with women. Yet if a rupture does occur, he can move onto a new love very quickly for he has a knack of establishing intimacy very quickly.

His Sex Life:
He needs constant encouragement. He enjoys playing the role of teacher and a woman is wise to let him believe he is initiating her into the true mysteries of sex. He is both patient and agressive. Let him take command. In the beginning of the love affair avoid any crudities or vulgarity. He prefers to idealize a partner. As time goes on he will become more realistic and more wiling to accept crude sexual behavior.
In foreplay his pace is deliberate and sure, he's interested in making you happy as well as satisfying his own needs.
He is an expert at clitoral manipulation. A favorite technique is to put his penis between a woman's breasts, close enough to her mouth so that she can flick her tongue over its tip.
Heterosexual Cancer males often enjoy dressing like a woman. A Cancer male will often satisfy his latent homosexual tendencies by asking the woman to part his buttocks and press her crotch so hard against him that her pelvic bone is pushed against his anus.
Many men born under this sign are frotteurs. They enjoy rubbing themselves against the buttocks or crotches of strangers on public conveyances.
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#10 MikeyWretch


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Posted 15 October 2010 - 02:45 PM

Aries due
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#11 Quezo


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Posted 15 October 2010 - 02:48 PM

Taurus man.

My girl is a Cancer. Curious if it's different than Cancer dude.
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#12 Jacki O.

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Posted 15 October 2010 - 03:01 PM

Leo Dude:

This fellow expects to be noticed wherever he goes. He is very attractive to women and he knows it. He admires beautiful women but does not like them to talk loudly or dress garishly. He likes the outdoors, particularly in the daytime when the Sun, his ruler, is visible. Leo knows well how to turn defeat into victory.

He is an extrovert - expansive, generous, outgoing. He loves to laugh. He is not a big-mouth or a phony, but occasionally he can be a bully. He never considers it reckless to go against the odds, for he feels it is his destiny to win.

Men like him because he plays the big shot. Women like him because he is masterful, fiery, intense.

He is demonstrative, open-handed, and a valuable friend. If need arises he will take great risks, endure great dangers to guard the safety of those dear to him.

Invariably genial, he is usually quite popular. Initially you may find his overweening assurance a bit off putting, but if you are perceptive, you will understand that he is curiously vulnerable. He needs other people to share his own high opinion of himself.

He is always falling in and out of love. Romance is not a word to him, it is a way of life. There are not many bachelors under this sign and alas their judgment about women is not always the best. Although he expresses a low opinion of women of loose virtue, he is easily victimized by exactly this type for they know how to play on his central weakness, his vanity.
His work is often careless but he is very good at covering up. He becomes angry when he doesn't get his own way and he doesn't like to hear contrary opinions. Leo is jealous even though he dwells on the mountain top.

His Sex Life:
He needs a woman as much as he needs food. He approaches each new encounter as if it were a glorious drama. He has a strongly sexual personality. His domineering personality simply brushes aside rules and conventions. A woman who goes with a Leo male should be guided by one very important rule: never, never tease. What you promise, you had better deliver . Leo does not like to play games. His immense self-confidence can beguiled by a hint of mystery or aloofness. The one who can make him feel he must pursue her is the most likely to suceed.

As a lover he subscribes tot he axiom that "action dissolves anxiety" There will be no fumbling. Leo will spend little time on foreplay, there is no doubt that he is interested in nothing but his own sexual needs. His endurance is remarkable and has a great appetite for making love. When Leo performs he likes a woman to show how much she is enjoying it. Don't ever deny Leo, for he will simply move to new hunting grounds. He likes women submissive. Oral sex is only acceptable if he is on the receiving end. He prefers the conventional forms of intercourse.

A favorite method is to dress up his genitals. He takes great pride in the size of his genitalia and may even use electric masturbating equipment. If he doesn't have a partner on hand, he will take to the streets wearing only an overcoat. When an attractive girl comes toward him he will open the coat to reveal his penis - decorated in a way that calls full attention to his size.
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#13 mancopter



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Posted 15 October 2010 - 03:05 PM

A favorite method is to dress up his genitals. He takes great pride in the size of his genitalia and may even use electric masturbating equipment. If he doesn't have a partner on hand, he will take to the streets wearing only an overcoat. When an attractive girl comes toward him he will open the coat to reveal his penis - decorated in a way that calls full attention to his size.

Fukken sweet! :lol:
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#14 Jacki O.

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Posted 15 October 2010 - 03:18 PM

Taurus man.

My girl is a Cancer. Curious if it's different than Cancer dude.

Taurus Dude:
Patient but forceful. He will take his time deciding what he wants, but he will never give up until he gets it.

His passions are slow to focus but when he finally has you in his sights - look out! Dont waste coquetry on him. He'll know you're just being coy. The more you try to con him, the more obstinate he becomes.

This is the most stubborn sign in the zodiac. The Taurus male is physical. That is part of his attraction. He is earthy, lusty, sensual.

Taurus likes to enjoy his passions in comfort. To him the setting is as important as the act. He surrounds himself with beautiful things because he wants the best of everything. He loves good food and drink. A true connoisseur, he savors. This is also true of his sexual appetite.

He is a real man in a real world. He doesn't have to prove himself as so many men do. Taurus definitely understands the value of the dollar and wants his money's worth. Men who have their Sun in Taurus usually have good common sense. They are constructive and stable and not afraid of hard work. Despite his seeming vitality, once a Tauraean male develops an illness, recuperation is slow and long.

Dont try to provoke a Taurean man. He is slow to anger but once he is aroused he is furious. Forgiving and forgetting are difficult for him.

Men born under the early part of this sign love action. Taurus male born later in the sign is more likely to employ cunning. Unfortunately they are sometimes not as cunning as they would like to think and failure can often lead to a deep mental depression.

Taurus is strong willed, strongly sexual, possessive and intensely emotional.

His Sex Life:
He has a primitive approach to sex that can be very stimulating. He enjoys making love. In many ways the Taurus man qualifies as an ideal lover. He is sensitive and understands his partner's feelings. He's a self-starter who doesn't need a lot of coaxing.

His foreplay is a studied, almost theatrical production. He prefers it slow and easy. Dont look for him to exotic in his lovemaking. He likes sex straight, uncomplicated and often. Stamina? Taurus could wear down a glacier. Best bet: cunnilingus. He enjoys oral activity.
Taurus is an earth sign and stubborn. Encourage him to pour a few drops of liquor on your bare skin and lick them off with his tongue. This practice is known to the Turks as yalamac.
The man responds to body odors. The smell of a woman's armpit or scent between her legs will have an aphrodisiacal effect on him. Taurus male is capable of handling more than one partner at a time and sometimes will play mix and match with the sexes. Cleanliness is not a prerequisite to his sexual enjoyment. Coprophilia is something to which Taurus men are more susceptible than other signs.
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#15 HNIC


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Posted 15 October 2010 - 03:23 PM

Aries dude

Yeah Jacki tell me what I was like in the sack in 1976
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