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#16 Quezo


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Posted 15 October 2010 - 03:23 PM

Taurus man.

My girl is a Cancer. Curious if it's different than Cancer dude.

Taurus Dude:
Patient but forceful. He will take his time deciding what he wants, but he will never give up until he gets it.

His passions are slow to focus but when he finally has you in his sights - look out! Dont waste coquetry on him. He'll know you're just being coy. The more you try to con him, the more obstinate he becomes.

This is the most stubborn sign in the zodiac. The Taurus male is physical. That is part of his attraction. He is earthy, lusty, sensual.

Taurus likes to enjoy his passions in comfort. To him the setting is as important as the act. He surrounds himself with beautiful things because he wants the best of everything. He loves good food and drink. A true connoisseur, he savors. This is also true of his sexual appetite.

He is a real man in a real world. He doesn't have to prove himself as so many men do. Taurus definitely understands the value of the dollar and wants his money's worth. Men who have their Sun in Taurus usually have good common sense. They are constructive and stable and not afraid of hard work. Despite his seeming vitality, once a Tauraean male develops an illness, recuperation is slow and long.

Dont try to provoke a Taurean man. He is slow to anger but once he is aroused he is furious. Forgiving and forgetting are difficult for him.

Men born under the early part of this sign love action. Taurus male born later in the sign is more likely to employ cunning. Unfortunately they are sometimes not as cunning as they would like to think and failure can often lead to a deep mental depression.

Taurus is strong willed, strongly sexual, possessive and intensely emotional.

His Sex Life:
He has a primitive approach to sex that can be very stimulating. He enjoys making love. In many ways the Taurus man qualifies as an ideal lover. He is sensitive and understands his partner's feelings. He's a self-starter who doesn't need a lot of coaxing.

His foreplay is a studied, almost theatrical production. He prefers it slow and easy. Dont look for him to exotic in his lovemaking. He likes sex straight, uncomplicated and often. Stamina? Taurus could wear down a glacier. Best bet: cunnilingus. He enjoys oral activity.
Taurus is an earth sign and stubborn. Encourage him to pour a few drops of liquor on your bare skin and lick them off with his tongue. This practice is known to the Turks as yalamac.
The man responds to body odors. The smell of a woman's armpit or scent between her legs will have an aphrodisiacal effect on him. Taurus male is capable of handling more than one partner at a time and sometimes will play mix and match with the sexes. Cleanliness is not a prerequisite to his sexual enjoyment. Coprophilia is something to which Taurus men are more susceptible than other signs.

Awesome. Thanks Jacki.

Except the scat part. You know, I never even wanted to watch the 2 girls, 1 cup thing. Not interested.
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#17 MikeyWretch


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Posted 15 October 2010 - 03:26 PM

"Cleanliness is not a prerequisite to his sexual enjoyment"
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#18 The Real Jeffrey Lebowski

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Posted 15 October 2010 - 03:29 PM

Except the scat part. You know, I never even wanted to watch the 2 girls, 1 cup thing. Not interested.

Ha! I didn't even pick up on that until you mentioned it.

This is some book...
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#19 JJames


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Posted 15 October 2010 - 03:30 PM

She's the kind who will wear a dildo and force him to bend over before her so she can penetrate him anally.


what about a sagitarious d00d
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#20 differently biotic

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Posted 15 October 2010 - 03:35 PM

is this the book?

Sexual Astrology: A Sign-by-Sign Guide to Your Sensual Stars
Joanna Woolfolk (Author), Martine Martine (Author)
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#21 Jacki O.

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Posted 15 October 2010 - 03:40 PM

Cancer Woman:

You need a compass to travel around this lunar lady's emotional landscape. When in doubt remember this rule: she is very dependent on the support of those close to her, although too shy to express what she feels. She has an absolute horror of criticism, particularly ridicule. Her tenacious memory clings to the hurtful memory until she has a chance to wreak revenge.

Her memory is an engraving on a steel plate - almost nothing can erase it. One reason for Cancer woman's retentiveness is that she treasures the past. She would prefer to live there if it were possible. She likes to read history, particularly about the last 50-100 years and will furnish her home with antiques. Life for her is never merely the here and now.

She loves her home and will spend delightful hours furnishing it to her taste. Her kitchen is warm and inviting. For her there is truly no place like home, though she has no intention of letting it be humble.

No one goes hungry in this woman's domain. She's a great cook. Her refrigerator is stuffed. That's part of her need for security. She isn't a miser but she will put money away against a rainy day. She is not a gossip.

She is a marvelous story teller. She controls the mood of her listeners with the slightest alterations in tone, but she can't tell a funny story without giggling.

She is loyal to her friends and the man she chooses to be her mate. Sometimes her loyalty takes on a clingy quality. In turn she expects almost constant affection from her partner. She needs to be fussed over, snuggled, prized, doted on. She must be wooed with tender care for she will retreat from an aggressive man.

It is difficult for her to give herself in love, although she is very attractive to men because of her modesty, winsomeness, and sympathetic understanding of their personal problems. She is that shy, sweet, lovely girl in white ograndy whose image every man carries in his mind.

If you want to win her, this will not be a quick conquest. If you lose her she will always be a vagrant, haunting memory.

When she find real love, she will go all out for her mate and she is fully capable of becoming the most satisfying sex partner in the zodiac. She can't fake a sexual response, making her the worst possible candidate for "play for pay" arrangements - prostitute, call girl, or arranged marriage.

Her Sex Life:
Although she is receptive she will never make the first move. She is much too shy. She has to be encouraged in the subtlest way until her erotic imagination is freed. Her sensitive nature is much influenced by the attitude of her partner. She can be a marvelous lover for she is capable of intense sensuality. The joy she feels on the release of previous restraints will delight any man. When she takes off her clothes for the first time she expects to be told how lovely she is. Cancer women dote on admiration. When she begins to lose some of her inhibitions, she likes to see and fondle male genitalia and to let her lover's testicles dangle in the palm of her hand. The sensual Cancer woman likes to anoint her fingers with honey or wine and caress her mate's sex organ until it becomes a steeple. Favorite position: lying prone while the man enters her from behind. That satisfies her innate modesty - she doesn't have to be seen having an orgasm - and also pleases a latent Cancerian desire to rub her buttocks against the man.
Since many Cancer women feel men are too rough to their lovemaking, they are also occasionally drawn to their own sex. In lesbian affairs, they tend to take the female role.

Cancer brings sensitivity and imagination to this union. Both are passionate and dont need outside interests to keep them content. Taurus is able to understand Cancer's vacilliations of raise. If Taurus is attentive, Cancer will respond in kind. An appreciation of each other's needs augurs an enjoyable affair, a successful marriage.
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#22 Katie


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Posted 15 October 2010 - 03:40 PM

Cancer dude:
You won't read him like an open book, for he shows an opaque side to strangers. There are some secrets he never reveals, even to his closest friends.
He is restless, prone to brooding, idealistic, a daydreamer who is also very sentimental. He has marvelous emotional highs and abysmal lows.

At first meeting he may appear to be fickle and flirtatious - but that's only one of his moods. After you get to know him you may still find his swift alternation of moods bewildering.

He is courteous and gallant, a charmer of the old school. He loves the company of beautiful women -especially if they are witty conversationalists. When he has wooed an attractive woman he quickly becomes possesive. The woman he loves has difficulty living up to his expectations. He tends to sulk and withdraw into his shell when disappointed rather tahn say openly what is bothering him.

He enjoys good food and drink but don't expect him to dress up. He could care less about clothing. His fantastic memory and nearly total recall stand him in excellent stead in discussion and argument. He has firm convictions.
He is sensitive, insecure and very sentimental. He will keep a friend forever. He resists and fears change in his life. He always needs reassurance of your love.

Dont look for a once-over-lightly romance with this man. He takes love seriously. The pleasures of the hearth and home are best for him. Cancer males look for long term or permanent relationships with women. Yet if a rupture does occur, he can move onto a new love very quickly for he has a knack of establishing intimacy very quickly.

His Sex Life:
He needs constant encouragement. He enjoys playing the role of teacher and a woman is wise to let him believe he is initiating her into the true mysteries of sex. He is both patient and agressive. Let him take command. In the beginning of the love affair avoid any crudities or vulgarity. He prefers to idealize a partner. As time goes on he will become more realistic and more wiling to accept crude sexual behavior.
In foreplay his pace is deliberate and sure, he's interested in making you happy as well as satisfying his own needs.
He is an expert at clitoral manipulation. A favorite technique is to put his penis between a woman's breasts, close enough to her mouth so that she can flick her tongue over its tip.
Heterosexual Cancer males often enjoy dressing like a woman. A Cancer male will often satisfy his latent homosexual tendencies by asking the woman to part his buttocks and press her crotch so hard against him that her pelvic bone is pushed against his anus.
Many men born under this sign are frotteurs. They enjoy rubbing themselves against the buttocks or crotches of strangers on public conveyances.

OMG I dated this guy, this was spot on, FREAKY

I'm a capricorn chick
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#23 Guest_viewfinder_*

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Posted 15 October 2010 - 03:40 PM

Taurus male is capable of handling more than one partner at a time and sometimes will play mix and match with the sexes.

Posted Image
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#24 Jacki O.

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Posted 15 October 2010 - 03:44 PM

is this the book?

Sexual Astrology: A Sign-by-Sign Guide to Your Sensual Stars
Joanna Woolfolk (Author), Martine Martine (Author)

dat's the one!!
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#25 Quezo


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Posted 15 October 2010 - 03:48 PM

Cancer Woman:

You need a compass to travel around this lunar lady's emotional landscape. When in doubt remember this rule: she is very dependent on the support of those close to her, although too shy to express what she feels. She has an absolute horror of criticism, particularly ridicule. Her tenacious memory clings to the hurtful memory until she has a chance to wreak revenge.

Her memory is an engraving on a steel plate - almost nothing can erase it. One reason for Cancer woman's retentiveness is that she treasures the past. She would prefer to live there if it were possible. She likes to read history, particularly about the last 50-100 years and will furnish her home with antiques. Life for her is never merely the here and now.

She loves her home and will spend delightful hours furnishing it to her taste. Her kitchen is warm and inviting. For her there is truly no place like home, though she has no intention of letting it be humble.

No one goes hungry in this woman's domain. She's a great cook. Her refrigerator is stuffed. That's part of her need for security. She isn't a miser but she will put money away against a rainy day. She is not a gossip.

She is a marvelous story teller. She controls the mood of her listeners with the slightest alterations in tone, but she can't tell a funny story without giggling.

She is loyal to her friends and the man she chooses to be her mate. Sometimes her loyalty takes on a clingy quality. In turn she expects almost constant affection from her partner. She needs to be fussed over, snuggled, prized, doted on. She must be wooed with tender care for she will retreat from an aggressive man.

It is difficult for her to give herself in love, although she is very attractive to men because of her modesty, winsomeness, and sympathetic understanding of their personal problems. She is that shy, sweet, lovely girl in white ograndy whose image every man carries in his mind.

If you want to win her, this will not be a quick conquest. If you lose her she will always be a vagrant, haunting memory.

When she find real love, she will go all out for her mate and she is fully capable of becoming the most satisfying sex partner in the zodiac. She can't fake a sexual response, making her the worst possible candidate for "play for pay" arrangements - prostitute, call girl, or arranged marriage.

Her Sex Life:
Although she is receptive she will never make the first move. She is much too shy. She has to be encouraged in the subtlest way until her erotic imagination is freed. Her sensitive nature is much influenced by the attitude of her partner. She can be a marvelous lover for she is capable of intense sensuality. The joy she feels on the release of previous restraints will delight any man. When she takes off her clothes for the first time she expects to be told how lovely she is. Cancer women dote on admiration. When she begins to lose some of her inhibitions, she likes to see and fondle male genitalia and to let her lover's testicles dangle in the palm of her hand. The sensual Cancer woman likes to anoint her fingers with honey or wine and caress her mate's sex organ until it becomes a steeple. Favorite position: lying prone while the man enters her from behind. That satisfies her innate modesty - she doesn't have to be seen having an orgasm - and also pleases a latent Cancerian desire to rub her buttocks against the man.
Since many Cancer women feel men are too rough to their lovemaking, they are also occasionally drawn to their own sex. In lesbian affairs, they tend to take the female role.

Cancer brings sensitivity and imagination to this union. Both are passionate and dont need outside interests to keep them content. Taurus is able to understand Cancer's vacilliations of raise. If Taurus is attentive, Cancer will respond in kind. An appreciation of each other's needs augurs an enjoyable affair, a successful marriage.

Hell yeah. Though not right on, as she is a Cancer/Leo cusp, within a few days.
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#26 Jacki O.

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Posted 15 October 2010 - 04:01 PM

Aries Dude:
The Aries male is aggressive, energetic, and restless. He doesn't move, he swashbuckles. He may be impractical and impulsive but he's imaginative and dynamic. He makes things happen. He can drive you crazy but you love because the man born under the sign of Aries exudes sex. He has a dominating personality and is impatient with rules and conventions.

He is jealous. He wants all of you even if you can't have all of him. The Aries man may be a bed bouncer, but he expects loyalty and fidelity from his women. Don't tell an Aries man that you want time to think things over - he only wants to hear one word from a woman: yes.

Once he's whisked you into the bedroom, he may not allow you to take your clothes off. He may rip them off. He's anxious to get going but he won't disappoint. He's a sucker for flattery if it's not too obvious. The Aries man is not stupid. He's simply so impressed with himself he's likely to believe flattery is no more than understatement.

He's a trailblazer. Yet underneath all the dash and glamour you may glimpse a curious vulnerability - the appeal of a small boy who needs a mother to watch over him. He will be loyal, sincere, and affectionate to the person he loves.

He has a fine sense of humor and likes women to be intelligent as well as attractive. He is clever and quick at repartee, which he uses to deflate pretense or affectation in others.
He is insistent on having his own way. He will probably make a great deal of money but won't be successful at keeping it for he believes that spending money is a way of demonstrating power.

His Sex Life:
The key to his sexual behavior is impulsiveness. What he needs to learn is the give and take of a true sexual union. He is intolerant of opposition to any of his sexual fantasies. Dont attempt to be a tease, if you promise, you better deliver. If you're not prepared to perform the kind of innovative acts that until now you've only read about in books, stay home and practice your knitting. Anything that smacks of routine will bore him. If you want to please an Aries man sexually, you will have to use your imagination -- no holds are barred.

When he wants you, he wants you. Be prepared to expect the unexpected during sexual play with the Aries man. Aries men are explorers who must run the show. He always prefers the dominating position. And he wont stop short at sadism. You can expect him to start tugging your hair, pinching your nipples or ramming his penis into your mouth to the point of discomfort. If you can derive satisfaction from this, accept it without a whimper, for it will increase his pleasure. In oral technique he is rough and ready. He especially enjoys spanking a woman before intercourse.

Men born under this sign are extremists. Group sex does not faze him. One exception: he will not play the passive partner in the anal sex game. Not that this offends his sexual sensibilities, but that position is a threat to his "manhood."
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#27 raubhimself



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Posted 15 October 2010 - 04:05 PM

Aries Dude:
The Aries male is aggressive, energetic, and restless.


Aries Dude:
He doesn't move.

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'the smuggest amongst us will always be the quickest to point out the most minor transgressions of others around them'- a quote i just made up and put quotes around to make it seem slightly fancier

#28 weener



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Posted 15 October 2010 - 04:13 PM

I'm an Aquarius.

My dude is a Cancer, the book's description was hit/miss.

I looked up Aquarius/Cancer astrological compatibility once, and it said that we are basically doomed, that I am an insane megalomaniac that would crush him like a bug.


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#29 Jacki O.

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Posted 15 October 2010 - 04:27 PM

Capricorn Lady:
Her passions are incurably orderly. She would schedule a gang rape.
No matter what you've heard, Capricorn women are passionate. What she needs is immoral courage. You may have to persuade her to let her emotions hang out.
Until she gets over her cautious approach to love, she won't know real fulfillment. Her aloofness will yield as soon as she becomes more sure of herself and of you. She loves to be loved.

She's well grounded to the earth and she isn't going to be impulsive about sex. She's lusty enough for any man but she's got herself well under control.

She's all there for a man to admire, court, pursue - and never completely possess. Many men find her hard to figure out. Others find her reserve and aloofness tantalizing, perhaps because they know it's a cover for extremely powerful emotions.

She's afraid of falling in love because she wants to be sure its the real thing. She needs to feel secure and protected. Once committed to a lover she isn't likely to withdraw her affections. She is an all-or-nothing kind of gal. She is extremely loyal but she must be loved and wanted in return.

The man who captures and proves worthy of her affections will find an eagerly and passionate love partner - a woman who will do anything for her lover.
When she makes a mistake in choosing a mate, it's usually a big one. Many times, however, she is able to transform a mistake into an asset. In a contest of wills she is a most formidable opponent. If you really try to hurt her, beware. She won't forgive or forget.

She will always be a separate, independent person who insists on living her own life. She is definitely all woman and knows the value of enhancing beauty. She has an instinct for neatness and cleanliness and tends to be thorough and careful.
She is calculating. She will attempt to dominate a man and use him to advance her own designs. Weak men are drawn to Capricorn females.

She will usually marry late in life after have many alliances. She's no man's sexual plaything, for she is far too shrewd for that. She must be constantly busy to be happy and often becomes involved in charities or causes. She loves to be complimented. Once she feels confident that she is accepted and admired, she becomes much more human.

Quiet, unflamboyant, competent - she does not always get her just due. Others with less talent tend to push her aside but only for a time. In the end, she will prevail despite setbacks, discouragements, disappointments or delays.

Her Sex Life:
She is quick tinder. Sometimes you can ignite her fire with just a gesture and it wont be a smoldering brush fire, but a roaring conflagration. She doesn't need much foreplay for she accelerates quickly. She's not interested in exotic variation, only staying power. However since she likes to dominate in the act of lovemaking, she is especially pleased by the variant position in which she is astride the male. What's important is that she set a rhythm to please herself. When he's ready to go, so is she.

She's a scratcher and a screamer. She likes prolonged lovemaking and has an unusual capacity for making love often. When men give out, a vibrator can be her best friend.

Animal skins strewn about the floor on the bed will please her. She finds the sensation of short animal hairs shifting, tingling and moving under her skin erotically stimulating.
Many Capricorn females dig the armpit as a source of sexual pleasure. When she climaxes she wants to feel the earth move.

Beware: she is a biter. The jaws tend to lock during orgasm so she may inadvertently become cannibalistic. Other hang ups tend to be sadistic. She likes to deal out punishment to a male partner. She also enjoys pushing a vibrator into a man's anus.
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#30 MikeyWretch


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Posted 15 October 2010 - 04:32 PM

Eddie Murphy is an Aries Dude
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