sexual astrology
Posted 15 October 2010 - 04:44 PM
You'll feel more alive the minute you meet him. He's gay, charming, witty, and will convey the impression that you are the most interesting person in the world.
Dont be deceived. If you look closely you'll see his eyes dance from female to female in the room. The truth is he wants them all.
In romance he is an idealist who thinks that the very next girl will the THE ONE. No matter how many times he's disappointed, his optimism survives.
He's a sentimentalist, with a heart practically asking to be pierced. He wants to be in love but is wary of it's alliances. No affair is going to last long for it is his nature to create problems when there are none.
He fights against a close involvement and detests jealousy in a woman. What he prefers are liaisons with women who have some experience, for they are as likely to take amour lightly as he does. He would soon please her as be pleased himself and he believes in mixing romance with a sense of humor.
He is not prepared to enter in to a long term relationship. He takes love too lightly. He never really knows what he wants.
Men born under this sign are frank and outspoken. If he gives you his word, you can depend on it.
As a friend he is easy going, tolerant, broadminded, but once your lover, you can become a project of his. He will want to help you grow.
He is a perfectionist who demands mental and physical compatibility in the one he loves. He has a tendency towards secrecy.
You may be taken aback by his temper tantrums. He likes to do his own things.
He is an excellent raconteur and a charming guest at parties. He loves to travel.
His Sex Life:
Sagittarius male flits from woman to woman like a bee sucking the nectar from a garden. He can't help himself, he is in love with an idealized, romanticized dream and must pursue that ideal.
Sex with him is rarely an intense experience. He enjoys it but doesn't feel the earth move. He prefers to wander in a quiet garden of lovely flowers and pluck the bloom that catches him at his whim.
The excitement for him is in the chase. The symbol for this sing is the Archer drawing his bow. The Sagittarian man is never bored by sex. He loves to make love. He'll be the first to try a new position or different setting.
He likes oral play and anal sex and often combines the two. Don't be surprised if he pushes a finger in your rectum to try to bring you to orgasm.
A sexual hang-up to some Sagittarius men is frictation - satisfaction achieved by rubbing the genitals against some part of the body a partner.
Sagittarius man has an extreme interest in women's legs and has a tendency towards other fetishes - he may ask a woman to wear gloves or shoes during sex.
His affairs are many and varied. He is as amoral as an alley cat. For him sex is life and he wants to experience life to the fullest.
Posted 15 October 2010 - 05:15 PM
She resents being treated as a sex object. Her high standards are not easily compromised and she insists that a lover show her proper respect.
She doesn't like to be rushed. If you're on a first date, dont expect to end up in her bed. She's not a prude but you have to convince her that you don't regard her as simply a one-night stand.
The Aquarius woman is sensitive and possesses a very strong intellect. She lives essentially in her mind. Friends stimulate her. Basically honest and open, she is a very poor liar. When she likes someone she has a tendency to bare her soul.
Aquarius females get involved in the lives of others. She is truly the Waterbearer, giving of herself to others.
She doesn't mind doing a man's work. What interests her is a challenge. She welcomes any new opportunity because she feels certain she will prove equal to whatever is asked of her. She is at her best in working with others.
A true humanitarian, she is very concerned with the problems of the world. Look for her in the forefront of any battle for social justice. Her native empathy and compassion make her very sensitive to the suffering of others. Yet she is not an obvious do-gooder, seeking appreciation and love in return for her effort.
She is, above all, an individual who has the courage of her convictions and will pursue them to the finish. A worthy attempt that fails is much more attractive to her than some minor success.
Although she can be charming, entertaining and imaginable, she can be stubborn.
Because of her deep need for love and companionship she finds the opposite sex extremely attractive. But she's looking for the perfect companion and has difficulty making up her mind.
Her Sex Life:
She is a slow starter. Animal drives are not all-important to her. She prefers to idealize love, encompass it with tenderness. Dont come to her bed looking for uncontrolled abandon. But she is extremely imaginative and creative and takes a lively interest in trying new ways of enjoyment.
She loves to run her fingertips lightly over your body hair. Her warmth and understanding are particularly effective with men who are inhibited or psychologically impotent.
One of Aquarius's difficulties in life is that in her desire to please, she frequently puts the needs of others ahead of her own.
She is quite aware that a man's mind is his most erotic organ.
Oral sex can include ejecting semen into her face and hair.
Posted 15 October 2010 - 06:15 PM
God is a comedian with an audience too afraid to laugh
i don't care either way. male or female, you're a professional so grip these nuts and tell me they're okay. thanks.
Posted 15 October 2010 - 09:15 PM
He is sensitive, insecure and very sentimental.
Outside of this, sure!

Posted 15 October 2010 - 10:29 PM
Posted 17 October 2010 - 07:43 PM
I'm an aquarian dude so it will probably say I'm all sensitive and shit...
Posted 18 October 2010 - 09:49 AM
but most of that is correct.

Message board?
This is The Shizz.
Chromelodeon manages to get all the furniture from their hotel into the lake a few years back...and people are worried about shizzies?
Posted 18 October 2010 - 10:38 AM
I'm a cancer, and my memory sucks.
but most of that is correct.
second this shit. I'm also a cancer, and I'm surprised i can even remember that!
Posted 18 October 2010 - 03:45 PM
I'm a cancer, and my memory sucks.
but most of that is correct.
second this shit. I'm also a cancer, and I'm surprised i can even remember that!
Cancer dude here, and I 3rd that . . . it's weird, I can remember more about how I felt at certain times, then the incidents that caused it. Totally weird.
Posted 18 October 2010 - 06:33 PM
Capricorn Lady:
Beware: she is a biter. The jaws tend to lock during orgasm so she may inadvertently become cannibalistic. Other hang ups tend to be sadistic. She likes to deal out punishment to a male partner. She also enjoys pushing a vibrator into a man's anus.
I'm still trying to find THE ONE. Yanno, the one that'd be willing.
Pretty neat. Some of it is fairly accurate, too.
Posted 18 October 2010 - 09:29 PM
*Except the the wearing of womenfolk clothing and dry humping random strangers and\or inanimate objects.
Posted 19 October 2010 - 09:50 AM
"Not being surprised" does not improve every situation. I would actually prefer being surprised.Don't be surprised if he pushes a finger in your rectum

Posted 19 October 2010 - 02:47 PM
Aries Dude:
The Aries male is aggressive, energetic, and restless.TrueAries Dude:
He doesn't move.
lol Raub, but damn Jacki that Male Taurus stuff hit home

Posted 19 October 2010 - 03:52 PM
Women born under this sign are noted for their beauty and delicate complexion and for a deep aversion to what is unattractive. She has an instinct for the finer things. She is fastidious in manner and dress. She admires beauty in all its manifestations, in music, art, architecture, and people.
She sees herself as if she were reflected on a screen where she can watch her movements and appreciate her graceful loveliness. However, she is not uncritical. She expects her image to measure up to high standards and will make what corrections are necessary. Small wonder that Libra women are considered the epitome of charm.
Her tendency toward fickleness cannot be denied. She tries to lure any attractive male she meets, but she will soon move on to a new conquest. She can forget quicker than a mirror.
Because Venus rules her Sun sign, the Libran woman is skilled in the arts of love, however, don't forget her aversion to whatever she considers unattractive.
The Libra female tends to prefer the artistic type rather than the commercial.
Chiefly she wants to be admired. She may need a man around to keep laving her ego, but her focus is on herself.
When things don't go her way she can turn petty and carping. She expects perfection. In her opinion money is for spending and buying, not for talking about.
She likes reading pleasant books, seeing movies with happy endings, living in rooms filled with flowers, and listening to soothing music. Her euphoric moods are compensated for by "downers" in which she finds a cloud in every silver lining.
Don't try to give her orders, she won't obey them. If you persist you will simply uncover her deep strain of stubborness. Extremely feminine, she is also clever, articulate, and a hypochondriac. When her sign is afflicted she can be indecisive to a point where she sits passively waiting for guidance. She is a fascinating, many-sided, conscious charmer.
Her Sex Life:
The key word is drama. Libra women enjoy watching the reactions of their lovers. She prefers a languorous approach including all the preliminaries plus verbal. She understand that seduction is an art and not a physical assault.
Because she is sure of her sexuality, she will often try to emphasize it and be provocative in unexpected ways.
Women born under this sign have unusual control of their vaginal muscles. They can constrict and close to hold a male fast in her clutches.
She loves to sleep and she happens to like cleanliness too.
If you coat your penis with honey she'll like the taste sensation.
One warning: during oral sex, keep your hands off her hair. She is extra sensitive to any pulling on her head.
Never be animalistic. Her body may seek excess but her mind demands moderation.
She dotes on her body and appreciates her beauty.
She is frequently a favorite with fetishist males, particularly for the variety known as partialism, in which there is a fixation on a single part of the body.
A Libra woman may stuff a scarf in the anus of her lover and slowly pull it out during climax.
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