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Member Since 21 Nov 2010
Offline Last Active Aug 04 2011 03:36 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Currently Thinking........

04 August 2011 - 03:35 PM


Also, my no processed food diet goes the wayside whenever there is free Papa John's pizza at work. Yeah yeah I know, white bread, processed food, corn syrup, all those bad things, etc. MMM 3 slices of delicious devil pizza.

As my quasi-hippie father might say: Son, I am disappoint.


ALSO wtf?! I don't <3 Justin Bieber. All those foxy chicks with short haircuts that vaguely resemble him though...

shut up you were thinking it too.

In Topic: Currently Fantasizing About. . .

23 February 2011 - 05:13 AM

I was wondering who add vin fiz or PEZ-ned or whatever it was. Especially because I didn't get it :angry: IT MAKES ME SO ANGRY not really dgaf

BUT. you know what sucks? Accidentally meeting a foxy Swede and CURRENTLY FANTASIZING about visiting Stockholm. Did you know that there are DRUGS there?

In Topic: What's so great about Phoenix, anyway?

02 February 2011 - 02:32 AM

Phoenix is GREAT! But so are other places. Just effing DO it! I mean, if you want to.


- The weather. Everyone has mentioned all the basic pros/cons. Lack of major natural disasters is always good though. .
- Because of the weather. . lots of datacenters and call centers. Tech stuff if you're looking for it
- There's always telemarketing! haha. no but really. .
- good eats once you find them
- the cultural "second layer" . . . It's there, just gotta look for it and don't fall for lame generalizations. If you went to a bunch of shows for a little while you'd learn where all the cool stuff is pretty quickly, plus you already have some friends here
- If you like gardening there's a realllly long growing season


- easy to fall into a rut, whether it be broke downtown person, complacent suburbian person, party-addled person. . . etc.
- people look at you weird if you say "Good morning" or the like on the street most of the time
- people get effing CRAZY when it's hot outside
- local political whackos

That's my $.02. Visit. If it blows go somewhere else, no big. ;)

In Topic: Hi! I need a job!

02 February 2011 - 02:07 AM

If you can put up with people's crap/customer service then you've got a pretty good shot. Don't forget about those call center jobs. . .

In Topic: tell us who you have a crush on

02 February 2011 - 02:02 AM

I've got it pretty bad for Laura Marling. It was her birthday yesterday. . Not like it's weird that I know that or anything. This song is great (:

I had a girlfriend that used to make me the most epic mixes all the time. Still have a bunch of 'em..