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Member Since 19 Jul 2006
Offline Last Active Jul 17 2022 08:02 AM

#971279 There's a rooster in my yard.

Posted by toadette on 09 November 2010 - 12:53 PM

it's a skill i've considered learning, but have never pursued. you know, on account of chicken being available defeathered and cleaned pretty much everywhere.

I have no idea why i am laughing so hard at this sentence, but i am.

Glad to hear that you got that problem with the cock solved. Cuz seriously, there is nothing worse than a stubborn cock.
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#963937 sexual astrology

Posted by toadette on 21 October 2010 - 05:23 PM

Libra Lady:

Women born under this sign are noted for their beauty and delicate complexion and for a deep aversion to what is unattractive. She has an instinct for the finer things. She is fastidious in manner and dress. She admires beauty in all its manifestations, in music, art, architecture, and people.

She sees herself as if she were reflected on a screen where she can watch her movements and appreciate her graceful loveliness. However, she is not uncritical. She expects her image to measure up to high standards and will make what corrections are necessary. Small wonder that Libra women are considered the epitome of charm.

Her tendency toward fickleness cannot be denied. She tries to lure any attractive male she meets, but she will soon move on to a new conquest. She can forget quicker than a mirror.

Because Venus rules her Sun sign, the Libran woman is skilled in the arts of love, however, don't forget her aversion to whatever she considers unattractive.

The Libra female tends to prefer the artistic type rather than the commercial.
Chiefly she wants to be admired. She may need a man around to keep laving her ego, but her focus is on herself.
When things don't go her way she can turn petty and carping. She expects perfection. In her opinion money is for spending and buying, not for talking about.

She likes reading pleasant books, seeing movies with happy endings, living in rooms filled with flowers, and listening to soothing music. Her euphoric moods are compensated for by "downers" in which she finds a cloud in every silver lining.

Don't try to give her orders, she won't obey them. If you persist you will simply uncover her deep strain of stubborness. Extremely feminine, she is also clever, articulate, and a hypochondriac. When her sign is afflicted she can be indecisive to a point where she sits passively waiting for guidance. She is a fascinating, many-sided, conscious charmer.

Her Sex Life:
The key word is drama. Libra women enjoy watching the reactions of their lovers. She prefers a languorous approach including all the preliminaries plus verbal. She understand that seduction is an art and not a physical assault.
Because she is sure of her sexuality, she will often try to emphasize it and be provocative in unexpected ways.
Women born under this sign have unusual control of their vaginal muscles. They can constrict and close to hold a male fast in her clutches.
She loves to sleep and she happens to like cleanliness too.
If you coat your penis with honey she'll like the taste sensation.

One warning: during oral sex, keep your hands off her hair. She is extra sensitive to any pulling on her head.
Never be animalistic. Her body may seek excess but her mind demands moderation.
She dotes on her body and appreciates her beauty.
She is frequently a favorite with fetishist males, particularly for the variety known as partialism, in which there is a fixation on a single part of the body.
A Libra woman may stuff a scarf in the anus of her lover and slowly pull it out during climax.

HOLY CRAP!!! Except for the scarf in the anus part, that is pretty spot on!! GET OUT OF MY MIND!!
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#958158 OkStupid

Posted by toadette on 07 October 2010 - 05:19 PM

bitches be crazy! i am on there. trolling for bearded dick :wub:

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#906915 Currently Thinking........

Posted by toadette on 29 May 2010 - 01:33 AM

my cat is currently sleeping away in my lap. I must look like Dr. Claw right now.
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#905315 Currently Thinking........

Posted by toadette on 25 May 2010 - 12:35 PM

i'm currently thinking......

my new avatar is badass!
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#904970 Currently Thinking........

Posted by toadette on 24 May 2010 - 01:49 PM

Fuckin RAD!!! Congrats you two love birds :wub: I love the color of the house!

UGH!! I need to find a new home soon <_<

Also... I'm currently thinking that I wish Jack would cancel that three for $3 deal over at the box. My ass can't take any more growth from their derishous onion rings! :angry:

A couple of years ago, my family was eating so much Jack in the crack that i don't eat it. The only thing i ever get from there now is jumbo jacks.

and smoothies...you wanna talk about derishous!!!
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#903302 Shizz Prom Committee Meetup Saturday at 2pm

Posted by toadette on 19 May 2010 - 04:48 PM

I'll try my absolute hardest to be there to help you ma'am.

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#875335 Shizz Prom Theme 2010 a Poll for democracy

Posted by toadette on 15 March 2010 - 12:31 PM

red carpet w/ spray painted stars w/ the names of A lister shizz names
flashing lights
hollywood shizz sign
mikey seacrest interviews on who are you wearing and who is your date yadda yadda

hahaha I love this.


My vote is for Hollywood. Seriously, this just sounds soooooooooooooo fucking cool. Especially the shizz hollywood sign which would be the BEST backdrop for a shizz family photo. JUST SAYIN!!!

and i bet Mig has some dope Glam shit to spin, yo.

oh, btw, unless some unforseen natural disaster happens or the apocalypse happens, wiz and i WILL be there
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