Currently Watching
Posted 02 September 2008 - 05:17 PM
afterward I might watch either Warriors Two or Zeiram.
Get DO.DAT YASELF an EP with songs made entirely in Warioware: D.I.Y.!
Posted 03 September 2008 - 09:48 AM

Posted 03 September 2008 - 10:25 AM
last night i watched Happenstance, a french movie starring Audrey Tautou. It was OK. I only watched it because my roommate moved out last month and forgot to change her address on Netflix so i've been watching and returning her movies. But so far all she gets is period pieces, romance movies, and french films starring Audrey Tautou. Kinda boring.
if she ever used your computer to log into her account and update her queue her password is probably still in there and you could update it with whatever you want to watch.

My thesis is called the "Black-Emperor-Says Theory" and holds that any any Phoenix-area indie rock festival there is a 100 percent probability that Emperors of Japan, Black Carl, and/or What Laura Says will be on the bill.
- Martin Shizzmore
Posted 03 September 2008 - 10:42 AM
last night i watched Happenstance, a french movie starring Audrey Tautou. It was OK. I only watched it because my roommate moved out last month and forgot to change her address on Netflix so i've been watching and returning her movies. But so far all she gets is period pieces, romance movies, and french films starring Audrey Tautou. Kinda boring.
if she ever used your computer to log into her account and update her queue her password is probably still in there and you could update it with whatever you want to watch.
SO going to hell.
Posted 03 September 2008 - 10:52 AM
last night i watched Happenstance, a french movie starring Audrey Tautou. It was OK. I only watched it because my roommate moved out last month and forgot to change her address on Netflix so i've been watching and returning her movies. But so far all she gets is period pieces, romance movies, and french films starring Audrey Tautou. Kinda boring.
if she ever used your computer to log into her account and update her queue her password is probably still in there and you could update it with whatever you want to watch.
SO going to hell.
in hell they show nothing but period pieces, romance movies, and french films starring Audrey Tautou.
My thesis is called the "Black-Emperor-Says Theory" and holds that any any Phoenix-area indie rock festival there is a 100 percent probability that Emperors of Japan, Black Carl, and/or What Laura Says will be on the bill.
- Martin Shizzmore
Posted 03 September 2008 - 12:22 PM
last night i watched Happenstance, a french movie starring Audrey Tautou. It was OK. I only watched it because my roommate moved out last month and forgot to change her address on Netflix so i've been watching and returning her movies. But so far all she gets is period pieces, romance movies, and french films starring Audrey Tautou. Kinda boring.
if she ever used your computer to log into her account and update her queue her password is probably still in there and you could update it with whatever you want to watch.
SO going to hell.
in hell they show nothing but period pieces, romance movies, and french films starring Audrey Tautou.

i am just wondering how long it's going to take her to realize she isn't getting her netflix movies.
Posted 03 September 2008 - 12:30 PM

except during romance and period movies
Knight's Wake
And other stuff:
Record label: https://www.facebook.com/soursymphony
Posted 03 September 2008 - 01:48 PM
yes, i am a good friend.

Posted 03 September 2008 - 02:49 PM
my friend from back east logged into her netflix while she was visiting me. after she left i updated their queue so that they would receive all Steven Seagal movies.
yes, i am a good friend.
Dang! I'm all for teaching lessons, but that's *harsh*
Posted 03 September 2008 - 06:13 PM
I am super fucking psyched. The crazy awesome dark comedy "Man Bites Dog" just dropped down to $16.50 on amazon, which is way low for a Criterion Collection DVD (yes, it's that good).
Why re-invent the wheel? Listen to what Marshall Fine(?) from Amazon.com says about it!
This Belgian satire (in French with English subtitles) is dark, dark, dark--but also right on the money in its sly sendup of the media's fascination with violence and its complicity therein. This mock documentary has a trio of filmmakers shooting a cinéma vérité feature about a garrulous serial killer who lets the film crew follow him around as he selects victims and then dispatches them. But at what point does filmmaking become participation? These hapless documentarians soon find out as their subject eventually pulls them into his world, including a gun battle with a rival film crew and their own criminal star. Gruesomely hilarious, with a deadpan wit that's hard to resist.
Fuckin' A! If I was you reading about this for the first time, I know I would be intrigued!
Yeah, there's a trailer too.
Posted 04 September 2008 - 12:16 AM
Season Five ends the show in a great way too. Though I will say I wasn't satisfied with how Omar's story ended. Maybe the badassest homosexual stickup boy ever.we just finished watching season 4 of the wire last night. that is the best show ever. period.
Just caught up on the new Battlestar Galactica too, which is maybe the Wire of sci-fi television. I'm guessing Helo is the last cylon.
Posted 04 September 2008 - 10:12 AM
(Double Post - sue me)
I am super fucking psyched. The crazy awesome dark comedy "Man Bites Dog" just dropped down to $16.50 on amazon, which is way low for a Criterion Collection DVD (yes, it's that good).
Why re-invent the wheel? Listen to what Marshall Fine(?) from Amazon.com says about it!This Belgian satire (in French with English subtitles) is dark, dark, dark--but also right on the money in its sly sendup of the media's fascination with violence and its complicity therein. This mock documentary has a trio of filmmakers shooting a cinéma vérité feature about a garrulous serial killer who lets the film crew follow him around as he selects victims and then dispatches them. But at what point does filmmaking become participation? These hapless documentarians soon find out as their subject eventually pulls them into his world, including a gun battle with a rival film crew and their own criminal star. Gruesomely hilarious, with a deadpan wit that's hard to resist.
Fuckin' A! If I was you reading about this for the first time, I know I would be intrigued!
Yeah, there's a trailer too.
Man Bites Dog is a great movie. I like when
Good shit.
Posted 04 September 2008 - 12:05 PM
Season Five ends the show in a great way too. Though I will say I wasn't satisfied with how Omar's story ended. Maybe the badassest homosexual stickup boy ever.we just finished watching season 4 of the wire last night. that is the best show ever. period.
For sure one of the greatest and most interesting characters (or "villain" depending...) ever. I can relate to you dissatisfaction, but I can also appreciate what they were going for on the way they ended that storyline though.
I miss this show. At some point, I'll go back and buy up the series so I can revisit it.
One of the greatest shows ever. Seriously.
Posted 04 September 2008 - 12:36 PM
Just caught up on the new Battlestar Galactica too, which is maybe the Wire of sci-fi television. I'm guessing Helo is the last cylon.
Not possible. Helo had a child with a cylon, and cylon's cannot reproduce amongst themselves.
God I'm a dork.
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