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#106 Jacki O.

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Posted 01 August 2008 - 09:36 AM


X-Files I Want To Believe. Matt and I went to see this Tues night. I was VERY excited to see it, but was a little let-down. SPOILER ALERT: DO NOT read below if you don't want to see plot points about the movie.

I would have rather seen a "monster" storyline, rather than the psychic-bordering-on-not-even-supernatural-at-all story they used. I also thought it needed more humor, more lightness and more fun. It was kind of a drag. As far as psychic stories go, they did it so well (and so much more wittily) with Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose that I am surprised that they even went in that direction. CBFR being one of the best x-files eps ever, in my opinion. I knew it wasn't a story that focused on the mythology of the series, so I really was expecting something more lighthearted and fast-paced. Episodes like Bad Blood, Small Potatoes, Hollywood AD, Humbug, Jose Chung's From Outer Space, and the Dreamland episodes are all great examples of how good a stand-alone X-Files ep could be, and that is kind of what I was hoping for with the new movie. I especially thought. too, that the scene where Scully was all harping on Mulder about "your sister is dead, you can't save her," was really forced and didn't fit into the movie at all.
OK, that is my rant for the night.

I totally agree with you. I was really excited about seeing this movie and was really disappointed after seeeing it. I wanted a "Monster" as well instead of psycho russians. and after they foiled the bad guy's plans to redo that weird guy's body that story arc just ends. No resolution of why these crazy russians are doing this or motives or higher ups or MYSTERY......totally lame, it left me mad. The humor in the story was contrived (except for the George W. Bush scene at the FBI HQ) and forced as was the relationship issues between Mulder and Scully. And I hate to say it but a large chunk of the movie was Scully's issues with religion and medicine and that shit was BORING. They could have dropped alot of that stuff and focused on the things that made X-Files such an awesome show - the mystery, the scary stuff, the humor, the way that Mulder and Scully differ in intellectually tackling their investigations....
blah...it was a major disappointment fo sho'
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#107 The Real Jeffrey Lebowski

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Posted 03 August 2008 - 09:51 AM

Reality Bites Back - 10 comedians, 8 reality shows, 1 Michael Ian Black hosting. Pretty decent as far as Sunday morning, basic cable garbage goes.
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#108 glitterbot


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Posted 03 August 2008 - 03:50 PM

matt and i watched part of a show called When Animals Talk on the discovery channel today, and it was completely mind-blowing. For me, anyway. They had a parrot on there that can basically hold a conversation with its "owner". As if that isn't nuts enough, the bird seems to also be telepathic. I could only watch like 10 minutes of the show because I found it to be so upsetting for some reason. I have a real problem with birds as pets, any kind of birds, and parrots especially. The idea that we can just pull them out of their habitat, and make it so that they can NEVER fly again is horrifying to me. It would be like having a dog but cutting off the legs first so it can never walk again. ANYHOO, what we did watch of the show was simply amazing. More info on the parrot can be found HERE. I would recommend catching it just to see the parrot.
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#109 raubhimself



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Posted 04 August 2008 - 12:47 PM



More possible spoilerz...

I also agree with you guys about most of that stuff. I didn't mind Scully's religious issues as that was a big part of some episodes. I think the issue with the Russians was handled well enough. They mentioned the one dude had cancer, his connection to the priest, he married some Russian dude in MA, and that those Russian doctors had done similar experiments on dogs. I don't think they really left any open ends there. Dudes were just freaks with money. The issues with Moulder's sister I find perfectly acceptable. They did maybe push it one too many times, but come on... a huge part of Moulder's character is his connection to his sister. Here they have a guy claiming to be able to connect to the dead. It would be a crime not to have Moulder think he might be able to take advantage of that situation.

The lovey dovey crap was pretty weird though. Moulder and Scully's past is well known, they were lovers and had a child. But in the movie they jump from being isolated from each other to practically being married with no explanation, it's awkward.

I think the movie was entertaining, and after I left the movie I thought it was good and good for an X-Files movie. There were definitely some disappointing parts.
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#110 fatguyaz


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Posted 04 August 2008 - 01:06 PM

watched "Into the Wild" the otehr night.

Made me wanna go to alaska more than i already do. And live in a bus.
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#111 Jacki O.

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Posted 08 August 2008 - 09:15 AM

Saw Pineapple Express last night! It was pretty funny. Especially if you smoke. Lots of pot jokes. but funny ones.
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#112 The Real Jeffrey Lebowski

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Posted 08 August 2008 - 11:09 AM

Saw Pineapple Express last night! It was pretty funny. Especially if you smoke. Lots of pot jokes. but funny ones.

"Smellll it. It's like... God's vagina."
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#113 Quezo


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Posted 08 August 2008 - 11:15 AM

Saw Pineapple Express last night! It was pretty funny. Especially if you smoke. Lots of pot jokes. but funny ones.

"Smellll it. It's like... God's vagina."

I cannot wait to see this.
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#114 capthfc


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Posted 12 August 2008 - 11:06 AM

anyone else watch generation kill on sunday? i liked it, but i kept waiting for more something big to happen and it never did...

i caught the last half of it. i enjoyed it for the most part.
i'm hoping that the "something big" you're waiting for actually happens, and it includes the humvee driver who likes the word "retard" being bisemboweled and sodomized with his own entrails.
or at least something that will make it so i don't have to hear him speak anymore.

but yeah...i'm interested to see where they take the storyline.

ok...so it's time for me to eat my words. the humvee driver who likes the word "retard" is one of the most entertaining characters on the show.

just watched the first 3 episodes of the 2nd season of Mad Men.
pretty awesome show, but it makes me want to start smoking again and pour myself a scotch anytime i walk into a room.
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throw the children.

#115 unluckycharm


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Posted 12 August 2008 - 12:55 PM

currently watching the trailer park boys
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#116 mancopter



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Posted 12 August 2008 - 12:59 PM

Weird, UC. I just added Trailer Park Boys to the top of my Netflix like yesterday.
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#117 unluckycharm


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Posted 12 August 2008 - 01:02 PM

I'd never seen it before ... netflix is awesome.
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#118 The Real Jeffrey Lebowski

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Posted 12 August 2008 - 01:03 PM

I'd never even heard of it before...The Shizz is awesome.
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#119 Jacki O.

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Posted 12 August 2008 - 01:15 PM

anyone else watch generation kill on sunday? i liked it, but i kept waiting for more something big to happen and it never did...

i caught the last half of it. i enjoyed it for the most part.
i'm hoping that the "something big" you're waiting for actually happens, and it includes the humvee driver who likes the word "retard" being bisemboweled and sodomized with his own entrails.
or at least something that will make it so i don't have to hear him speak anymore.

but yeah...i'm interested to see where they take the storyline.

ok...so it's time for me to eat my words. the humvee driver who likes the word "retard" is one of the most entertaining characters on the show.

just watched the first 3 episodes of the 2nd season of Mad Men.
pretty awesome show, but it makes me want to start smoking again and pour myself a scotch anytime i walk into a room.

I watched an episode of Mad Men last night. it seemed interesting. I like the sets and costumes and the lead actor dude is hot but yeah the smoking thing is a bit much, i understand they are trying to be accurate with the time period and everyone smoked back then but it's kind of irresponsible for our modern times. I don't know how i feel about it.

It makes me want to smoke.....it looks so cool when the actors on the tv do it!

I hope they get more into the drastically changing landscape of America in the 60s (the civil rights movement, the feminist movement, the anti-war movements, consumerism, television, the global economy, etc.) as the show progresses.

I would watch more of this show.
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#120 raubhimself



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Posted 12 August 2008 - 01:17 PM

It makes me want to smoke.....it looks so cool when the actors on the tv do it!

But the womanizing and dog-eat-dog business decisions are oh ok?

Well, at least they aren't wearing flip flops!
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'the smuggest amongst us will always be the quickest to point out the most minor transgressions of others around them'- a quote i just made up and put quotes around to make it seem slightly fancier

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