Member Since 27 Sep 2004Offline Last Active Yesterday, 11:15 PM
Profile Feed

Jace → Almalexiel
My friend Vivi, I'm certain you will have a chance to catch Bit Brigade again before you know it! No worries. ^_^

Almalexiel → Jace
D: I failed you Jace, but I promise if I can manage to go to Magfest again, I'm never missing any Bit Brigade show ever again! >.<

LuketheXjesse → Jace
Nah, it's some little Top hat that says Happy New Year on it.

Jace → Djinnocide
Don't worry, I'm still working on those interview questions! It's going to be epic!

Jace → Nestrogen
Welcome to The Shizz! I loved your album from earlier this year (you may [or may not] know me slightly better as Prizmatic Spray.)